Reviews for Lights, Camera, Action!
creativesm75 chapter 12 . 9/11/2014
Guest chapter 5 . 2/3/2014
Totally figured it out. Don't even ask me why it's taken so long, but her calling out to Rossi, him not hearing. SHE'S IN A FREAKING COMA. Blame my lack of sleep for not figuring this the hell out. But I need to continue because I'm feeling pretty sure of the whole coma thing.
Storm-SA chapter 6 . 6/9/2013
What in interesting perspective. Very cool story telling. Think I have an idea of where you might be going but you have surprised me with every chapter to far!
rmpcmfan chapter 12 . 5/30/2013
Light at the end of the tunnel. Touching moment between Emily and Morgan.
yayitsjordan chapter 10 . 5/3/2013
This is such a good story! The twists and the turns in the plot should make it hard to follow, but you've written it so well that it really isn't a problem. I don't know what I was expecting when I started the story, but it wasn't this - I love how you've done something so unexpected! Love it!
lizzabet chapter 10 . 5/3/2013
You are one cruel woman! And as usual I will guess what the heck is going on. Well, either it's some kind of deadly head trauma or, what I hope(unfortunately) that she was pregnant and lost a baby. I almost started to cry thinking about both my guesses! Good job to you! Can't wait for more! I'm getting really excited/nervous/sad/mixed emotions;)
123a456e chapter 10 . 5/3/2013
I thought she was dead? Great chapter please update soon
Guest chapter 9 . 4/23/2013
Please put the next chapter on!
lizzabet chapter 9 . 4/4/2013
Wait, wait what? If this is what I've been hoping for, but lost hope on after the last chapter, I'm a very happy woman right now! Can't wait for the next chapter and for another chapter of Prisoner's game! You're an awesome writer!
123a456e chapter 9 . 3/18/2013
Who woke up?
Guest chapter 8 . 3/15/2013
I hope it's a nightmare of derek
or maybe it is a dream of Emily when she's in a coma
lizzabet chapter 8 . 3/15/2013
Darn, that was too too sad! I had tears in my eyes and a big big lump in my throat, still have! I was still in denial through this whole chapter until he traced her letters on the grave. I was like 'Oh she stopped writing the priest's speech when he was about to say Emily's name' and 'Maybe Emily is still in the hospital or left town, maybe that's why she isn't attending the funeral.' I completely ignored Garcia's talk about her being there, even if she isn't physically. But it's hard to deny it any longer! She's dead:(
But it's making a great story! Just the way you've written it! I can't wait for more from this and your other stories:D
sia Morgan chapter 8 . 3/13/2013
Can't believe that you killed her of but it might of been a dream
sia Morgan chapter 7 . 3/2/2013
This is great please update soon I've added you to ny story favourite and follows ...;-)
Kitimi chapter 7 . 1/25/2013
Maybe Emily's heart stopped beating at some point, but she is not dead now. She is in a coma. At least I hope so. Please update soon.
(Sorry for my english)
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