Reviews for Reaching Across the Milky Way
bucitosentubebida chapter 35 . 7/22
Beautiful story! Thank you so much for all this years, your story made me laugh and made me sad and so much emotions :D
Na chapter 1 . 6/23
Oh my. You cannot imagine how happy I am for this ending for all these beautiful characters. All waiting was worth it. Author, thank you so much for such an exciting and well-written story. All your work will not be forsaken!
beapleites chapter 33 . 6/18
No... this can't be how it ends. Rin has to be with Sesshomaru after everything they've been through.
beapleites chapter 32 . 6/18
Wow, that end was unexpected
beapleites chapter 31 . 6/18
Oh, I don't want them to fight anymore
kagomeLove2 chapter 34 . 6/18
BRAVO, BRAVO, BRAVO, What a story! I stared reading it in 2016 and I am glad that I was able to see it been completed. So may Sesshoumaru and Rin stories have been left without an end so. I really thank you for this.

It has been a ride. An I truly enjoyed it.

This chapter made me laugh so much. InuKimi is such abitch. She really is and I love her so much. She planed it all and won. Her son his happy. She made the decisions for him because, well she knows what is best for him.

I am glad Kogomi( the one I disliked with a passion at the beginning) has grown as a character. She is the ruler how and she will de will.

Kohaku and Tsukiakari are working together. Hopefully they will love each other.

My gosh Jaken has been promoted to Councilor. Lol. I could picture him with tears in his eyes. He as finally left behind by his Lord.

Well my couple is finally happy together. I was sssoooo please about that. Lol Rin wants to be courted by Sesshoumaru. Well why not. It is now or never. She deserves all from him. Sesshoumaru confession was touching. He has learned a lot.

Again Thank you for this excellent story, this is a true gem. Thank you.
Guest chapter 33 . 6/18
Sorry of all the spelling ,is take in my previous comments. I used my phone to type.

I loved how Kongomi was able to make the dragon come to her side. The way she was isn't him was beautiful. Finally Pian is dead and I am so pleased.

As always InuKimi was great and she killed her sister. Jaken of course cannot leave the Inu Sid. He like them too much.

Now. I love seeing Sesshoumaru and Rin fighting together and the way he was carrying her.

My heart hurt when she had to make the ultimate sacrifice for her friend. I wanted so much for Sesshoumaru and her to kiss. A good by kiss would have made me so happy.

Well Rin wanted to by by her Lord and help him and she did just that. She was never selfish. Everybody got to be happy except her and Sesshoumaru. He will go on eventually. The ending was so sad. So very sad for my Rin. My heart ache so much for her.
kagomeLove2 chapter 33 . 6/18
Excellent chapter. All I can say I feel the pain of Sesshoumaru loosing Rin once again and not to not be able to bring her back this Rin all alone. She wanted to follow her lord at the beginning if the story and she did just that. Ooh the pain of ending all alone again.

Taken made me laugh I had to say.
Inureader2 chapter 32 . 6/18
I just lost it right there. My self wants to tell you, you are a horrible person. Which means you are an excellent writer! Wow, I need a moment...
Ok. I don't know how you could fix any of that. My heart hurts.
You did a wonderful job and I'm blathering because I'm in shock
kagomeLove2 chapter 32 . 6/17
Nice updates. Pain is really a tough cookie. He really is.

I love the update. But what do you mean by it will get darker lol.
Ahtu chapter 1 . 6/15
Loved the chapter! I mean, wow
Creacorn chapter 30 . 5/13
When you're gonna update this story, please tell.
beapleites chapter 30 . 5/11
I like Tsukiakari. Sesshomaru is still annoying me, but he walks the path of redemption (I hope). Thank you!
beapleites chapter 29 . 5/11
I still feel some disappointment towards Sesshomaru. Rin has all my support.
By the way, thank you for keeping up with the story.
beapleites chapter 28 . 5/11
I'm so mad at Sesshomaru. He knows and still is playing house with Tsukiakari
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