Reviews for Together in the Dark
Guest chapter 2 . 9/4/2018
I have a feeling Danny would call him Blue just cuz it's the closest thing he can connect him with
weenie peenie chapter 9 . 8/16/2016
weener peener chapter 1 . 8/15/2016
oh my gosh why do you rip my heart out only to stomp on it and light it on fire?

why do you do this what did i ever do to you

( story is ama-zing! )
MasterIcePhoenix chapter 9 . 6/25/2013
Interesting take. I really liked it. Please update soon, I want to know what they do.
SunnyDay23 chapter 9 . 4/4/2013
That's a really good story! I like the Vlad in your story : he really cares for Danny, but you kept some of his noral character (from the cartoons) !
SoulMore chapter 9 . 3/4/2013
Wylrin chapter 9 . 2/19/2013
Oh. My. Goodness. This is... I can't even find words...

This is so amazingly beautiful! It brings out so many different emotions - hatred for the government that is hurting them; sadness, for how they're on the run like that and how painful it is for them even when they've found Danny's family. And just a feeling of such companionship and compassion between the two is so strongly made known that as a reader I guess you sort of start to feel it yourself.

I can't tell you how many things I love about this story. I love how the story itself is written. I think I love Vlad's contemplative personality the most. There's something sort of ignorant about it, for the lack of a better word, as if he's just awoken in a world full of pain and suffering for the first time without any knowledge of life and he's trying to see it through a rather strange set of eyes trying to make the most out of terrible circumstances.

I can't really explain it but just so many things about Vlad's personality as you've depicted it in this story make it so wonderful.

There are so many things that are amazing about this story but I could never find the words to describe them all.

I hope you continue this story. It's so beautiful. :D
PoeticEden chapter 9 . 12/26/2012
This...story...I can't even.
It's so beautifully amazing, twisted in such a brilliant way. I love the angst, I love the emotions that were executed so vividly, I love everything about it!
I also like how you kept Vlad and Danny so much in tune with their actual personality while at the same time changing them to fit their horrible pasts. I love Vlad's fierce protectiveness over Danny and Danny's need for Vlad without creating slash.

This is such an awesome story - I cannot wait for the next update!
MsFrizzle chapter 9 . 12/12/2012
This is such of touching scene between such two damaged souls. The way you are able to portray them is what makes your story so incredible.

I don't see how the Fentons can continue to protect Vlad and Danny. The GIW will just keep coming back with more force. They both so desperately need a haven to recover physically and mentally.
jeanette9a chapter 9 . 12/12/2012
ohhhh plot twister.
ChopSuzi chapter 9 . 12/11/2012
Ah, Vlad. The way his mind works... It frightens me...
Guest chapter 9 . 12/11/2012
Oh wow. What a chapter! I just realized I missed the last two... how did that even happen? Weird. Anyways, I went back and read them after I started reading this one and realized I was completely lost! lol.

So, I'll be talking about all three chapter, then.

I can't believe Maddie and Jack killed the Guy-in-White agents. I'm not sure how to feel about that. I can't picture them killing people... Plus, that would make them murderers. They could go to jail for that. So, how is that even going to help Danny? The rest of the guys-in-white could have them arrested... I can kinda understand why they went to such an exteme, but I still feel it was out of character for them. I could have seen them knock them out and then toss them out of their house

Vlad, on the other hand, I could see him killing that guy like he did, considering all the man has gone through and the fact that he's messed up in the head.

Danny's reaction to it was right on. Always the hero, even towards those that hurt him. Vlad must have freaked him out by what he did, as we saw in this latest chapter. And poor Jazz. She certainly is the most vulnerable of the whole family.

It was certainly an exciting and suspenseful chapter. But I fear they just made things worse by killing those agents.

THe interlude was certainly interesting. It was neat in a troubling way to see glimpses of what Vlad went through before Danny came along. I wouldn't mind seeing more of this interludes!

Lastly, this chapter. Vlad is certainly obessed with Danny, isn't he? But then, Danny feels safest with Vlad. i think both are understandable. I also see Jack is a problem between them, like on the show. Vlad doesn't remember why he dislikes Jack so much, except that he feels him a threat to himself and Danny. And with Vlad being unpredictable, I can see why Danny is afraid of Vlad's dislike for his father... Not sure how things will go once Vlad remembers everything. But I still Danny will still come first for Vlad.

And wow! Danny is considering leaving his family! Oh man. I understand why and it seems like something he would to keep them safe, but I'm still worried. On one part, I think it is a good idea to keep the Fentons safe and also so Danny and Vlad aren't just sitting ducks... But on the other hand, they won't have the Fentons helps anymore. And maybe their chances of being recaptured would increase...

I don't know, but I am quite nervous! I really look forward to the next chapter to see what happens! Thank you so much for not giving up on this story, and continuing it! I anxiously shall await your next chapter!

Until then!
fatkleptoman chapter 9 . 12/11/2012
Aw, this is story so depressingly amazing. I knew Danny was gonna suggest they leave, which makes me sad because I want him to stay with his family. Great update and I can't wait to see what happens next! Love your style of writing by the way, really makes this great story even better.
ChopSuzi chapter 8 . 10/29/2012
Aand now I'm back to feeling bad for Vlad again. :c
ChopSuzi chapter 7 . 10/29/2012
And here, we begin to understand that Vlad is sadistic. VERY sadistic.
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