Reviews for The Voice in the Dream
CidSquid chapter 6 . 6/27/2019
I'm listening to music right now and King by Lauren Aquilina came on and it was so fitting and so sad I teared up. :(
hollybridgetpeppermint chapter 1 . 5/28/2019
Hello! I'm going to review as well as PM you, in case you check one over the other. I'm in the process of creating ebooks of some of my favorite fanfics in order to have access to them on my Kindle when I'm offline, and I included The Trouble with String and The Voice in the Dream. I wondered if you wanted me to give you access to the ebooks, for whatever purposes you choose :) If so, let me know, and we can discuss how best to give them to you!
Toby Hamee 'Seer Hork-Bajir chapter 8 . 5/5/2018
There's only a word to describe this story: PERFECT! I loved it! The role of the situations and the use of the TV shows' scenes and your original plot were amazing! The final is so good and emotional! Thank you! You're so amazing!
asdfghjklkjh chapter 1 . 9/22/2017
Ooooh Myyyy Gooood you have no idea how glad I am for reading this! It had all the parts and everything else a perfect Merlin fanfic needs, the banter was perfect but you made me cry as well and wow this was absolutely PERFECT!
rainydaysbooksandtea chapter 1 . 5/1/2017
I know it's late to review this story but I had to comment. This was wonderful. I love the plot and how you handled the characters. One of the best fanfiction stories ever.
MonJoh chapter 8 . 3/3/2016
That was a long one but I couldn't stop reading. The P.A. banter was excellent! Ever heard of the show 'The Librarians' because I think they borrowed some of your plot lines.
Tie-Dyed Broadway chapter 4 . 1/10/2016
Elvis reference equals instant love.
purrbaby101 chapter 8 . 9/20/2015
And I'm crying. I found this by recommendation on another fic and thought I would give it a try. Wow. Just, wow. I don't usually enjoy modern day fics because they're mostly plotless with confused reincarnated Arthur learning about the world around him. Your fic is nothing like that. The dreams and memories are the perfect way to bring the Once and Future King back. When Merlin discovered he was aging... Oh god. So many feels. The battle scene was intense too, with Excalibur and Morgana. Everything was perfect. Thanks for writing such a great fic!
MoonlightMystery13.3 chapter 6 . 1/7/2015
Hm, so, Morgana has Aithusa's magic in a gemstone, right? And Merlin could identify it as such. Well, couldn't Merlin, as a dragon lord, control Aithusa's magic? Or is it just the dragon? Surely it would be both, as both the dragon itself and it's magic make up the dragon, right? I'm torn between realisticness (As real as things get in Merlin :P) and plot convenience. After all, if Merlin could control Aithusa's magic, then Morgana would never be able to take him, and the plot would kind of be shot. Hey, that rhymes. :D Alright, enough objections. I love this story, and I'm reading it for about the fifteenth time. I also like all the song suggestions; I've been enjoying listening to them.
Have a lovely day,
MoonlightMystery13.3 chapter 3 . 1/1/2015
FYI, cell phones are called mobile phones in England, so you might want to change that. Just wanted to say that I love your works. You are, in fact, one of my favourite Merlin writers, which brings me to the next order of business: I'd like to ask you a favour. I'd like some Merlin writing prompts, nothing too dark or far from cannon, please. I have lots of ideas, but they won't write, so I need something to stir up my creativity.
Thanks, and Happy New Year!
Ellessaria chapter 8 . 8/17/2014
I'm usually put off from a Merlin fic that is set in the future, simply because I'm so in love with the setting of Camelot. I've attempted reading a few future-centric stories, but never get past the first chapter (and sometimes never even get through THAT much), but I kept seeing this fic being mentioned, both by authors in their author notes, and in reviews for other stories, so I decided to swallow my misgivings and start reading it.

And Oh. My. God. There are just SO MANY things that I loved about this story, and I can't even sort out what I loved about it the most. I think the first thing that impressed me was that you wrote it before season five aired; that, coupled with the touches of the original legends that you subtly included, floored me. The flashbacks to Camelot were some of my favourite scenes, particularly Arthur's death scene, which absolutely *slayed* me, what with Gwen's off-page death, and Merlin and Arthur's mutal admittance of their deep love for each other. I seriously can't stand ANY fic that slashes these two beautiful characters, because it simply destroys what makes them so beautiful. What you did with them, though, was just perfect.

The plotline for the future stuff was just awesome, too... the dragons (both in their original AND human forms), Morgana's truly evil desire for Excalibur and all that it contained... Merlin, who was so thoroughly *broken* by his lonliness, and Arthur's struggle to accept the truth of the dreams he'd been having for so many years.

And then that wonderful epilogue... when Merlin is finally released of his burden, and discovers that he won't have to be alone anymore, that he can live knowing that he will eventually die just like anyone else. The way our boys cried in each other's arms as they both came to terms with it... well, I cried *buckets* of tears. BUCKETS.

Flawless, just flawless. My breath was absolutely taken. Just beautiful... thank you SO much for writing this.

E x
xaonrider92 chapter 8 . 3/23/2014
Just when I thought I could not love the Merlin fanfic fandom enough, I find myself proven wrong when I find this fic. Damn, this would have been awesome as a movie or two, along with a tv series about Merlin and Arthur and the Knights fighting against Morgana, teaching magic to other people in the modern world, and solving magical problems. I would totally watch that. Or read that. *hinthint*

Somehow I can totally imagine Arthur and Merlin in the last scene of the fic, walking out of the cafe door, jacket/coat/scarf swaying in the breeze in slow-mo, epic music playing in the background. XD
aero1234541 chapter 8 . 3/19/2014
Ohmagod these feels ;; It's just.. Oh my gosh.. So amazing..

fariedragon chapter 8 . 1/16/2014
Well done. I am glad that Merlin was able to find peace.
Benjaminjonathan chapter 6 . 1/15/2014
You are an artist, I love you, please write till you die or something or something.
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