Reviews for Stand Back and Let It All Be
cabooklover21 chapter 1 . 8/27/2012
Fluent in Swarek had me laughing hardcore, I'd love to hear that line on the show lol

I loved this, I wish this is how it all went down...
flcrkr chapter 1 . 7/28/2012
I loved this. So well written. Loved that she knew by him telling her to keep the spare keys.
belcheto chapter 1 . 7/26/2012
Um, in love with this fic! Like seriously love!
kbokbo chapter 1 . 7/24/2012
I loved to read this fic, thank you for writing it!

Also I am so happy someone got inspired by "Leap of faith" to actually write and give the story a Bruce Springsteen related title! :)
The song "Leap of faith" itself also perfectly matches them... well more Andy in this episode.
I'm a huge Bruce fan (sadly just finished my share of his European Tour), and it is nice to know there are more in the world of RB and RB fanfiction who shares this affection... I always found he has a song for all my moods and all my important life situation... Has some for Sam and Andy too, apparently :)

If I'm just reading all it into this and it's just coincidence, well then a perfect one :)

Tc, Kbo
Annie Blythe chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
Oh-dark-thirty, Sam's foot on the invisible brake, a full dishwasher and "If you insist," rhinestone eyes and a guttural language... I can't express how much I enjoy those little details. The rhythm they've established in three months is just that, a rhythm. None of it feels routine, as you've captured the small quirks and gestures and teasing that keep the dynamic interesting. Sam's feelings underscore these private bursts of domesticity, and it paints a wonderful picture.

"He's even more appreciative knowing that it can't have been all that easy for her to say; while they don't always communicate exactly the same way, they both speak around the truth more often than not, depending on jokes or body language to convey what they're actually feeling." (YES!)

The spare keys? Amazing. The way you have them meet in the middle - Sam, attempting to explain himself; Andy, recognizing the gesture for what it is and reassuring him - that, unquestionably, is my favorite dynamic. You've highlighted the bond that exists between them in a beautiful way. This mature approach to a relationship, the "teamwork" and sacrifice and willingness to meet in the middle - I can only hope we see that in the show!

Excellent job! Thank you so much for sharing.
linda p chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
I loved this fic. Great job.
abrokencompass chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Beautiful. I needed this soooo much - I'm jonesing for some real communication between these two like I'm some sort of crack head (which I am not, and never have been - LOL)... You continue to make season 3's lack of Sandy (I don't really like that nickname, but it's so handy, and effective) more, well, bearable. Thanks for writing - and hope yr pregnancy is going well!
RBCrazyFan chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
So happy that I am finally able to review this (and I'm glad you posted it elsewhere so I could read it). I love how the spare keys told Andy want Sam could not - you depicted it perfectly.

Catch you on the flip side
rbfan624 chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
I posted the last one by accident before I was done. This was really great! I loved all the references back to the show and how you made them work with this. It was so cute! Thanks for sharing!
rbfan624 chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Hipsteresque116 chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
GREAT STORY! You should write more about 'un-seen' McSwarek moments lol good work
sfrio chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Loved the insight into Sam's difficulties expressing how he truly feels. His failed effort to say something was comical and so like so many guys I know. I loved Andy's security in not needing to hear ILY in words from Sam. And while she says she is not fluent in Swarek (hilarious and spot on), it seems she does pretty well to me. Hope he does figure "it" out someday. Thoroughly enjoyable story.

BTW thanks immensely for making the effort to overcome ff difficulties and posting this on live journal!
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
I really wanted someone to write a story about the "i love you" dilemma. Please explore further why he didn't say it back. I'm dying for more chapters. You've a real flare for writing also
dcj chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Ended up tracking this down on livejournal to read yesterday. Enjoyed her bringing up that she had turned him down yesterday.

End was great; I too thought that gesture was very meaningful. Loved the Fluent in Swarek bit.
CM-x-SN-x-HP-x-roxmysox chapter 1 . 7/21/2012
Loved it! ;D
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