Reviews for Castle of Glass
Lely Grass chapter 1 . 5/28
Agora que li o primeiro capitulo não consigo mais descansar sem ler a historia toda!
Parabéns pela historia!
eu gostei muito, ela me lembra os tempos em que eu era mais novinha e não podia respirar sem pensar em Harry Potter e Draco Malfoy antes.
Ótima Fanfic! eu recomendo!
Guest chapter 14 . 3/29
I hope you create more and never give up
LilyTheRiddler1 chapter 8 . 9/28/2019
Excuse me, females are NOT inferior to makes, and if you think so, you are a brainless imbecile that deserves to die, very, VERY painfully, might I add.
FujoshiLoverOtaku chapter 2 . 8/8/2019
Why you make Tom Riddle had the same face as Harry?Now his handsome face gone...
halfblood hufflepuff chapter 14 . 5/12/2017
This one shot was really sad :'(

Also CANT wait to read the sequal ! I can't get enough of tom and Harry being cute .
Anon chapter 13 . 5/12/2017
Omg I love love the chemistry between them - from the moment tom made Harry his plaything, and when Harry went from calling tom a nutcase sadistic psycho into understanding how tom just soaks up little affectionate gestures - they're so sweet! And I mean I love how intense they get, like when Harry threw the diary into the fire and tom freaked out - revealing that his posessive behaviour over Harry stems from wanting a family - to the moment when Harry told him "I love you" while delirious in the mental asylum ... I'm squealing! Like this chapter really tops what happened to far - with tom weeping in Harry's arms... they came a long way. Also tom showing affection is too cute, like that time when he waited for Harry on the staircase after the holidays and when Harry wrapped his scarf around tom XD
Guest chapter 11 . 5/9/2017
You are doing fascinating things with this story. Wow.
Guest chapter 2 . 5/8/2017
LOL. Very entertaining. You've got an original plot here.
Annie chapter 1 . 5/8/2017
Delightful beginning here in chapter 1.
Love2read23 chapter 13 . 3/14/2017
Oh my gosh, my heart is breaking for them. Poor Harry and Tom.
Love2read23 chapter 11 . 3/14/2017
Awww, that is the best! I have never read or considered Tom might be claimed by his birth father. I love the firce conviction Riddle Sr. has to keep Tom. I hope his (and Harry's) affection can smooth out Tom's ruffles.
Love2read23 chapter 9 . 3/14/2017
Yay! I am so happy Harry got the cloak back AND returned it to Harold. Now that 't have anything over him maybe they can have a more balanced relationship. I really want to read more on how it's a witches' world. Oh to think that wizards had to have a rights movement to be equal to females!
Love2read23 chapter 7 . 3/13/2017
Does Harry have the cloak? Are they even going to address the fact that driving Harry to become suicidal is not exactly how you treat your supposed grandson.
werwolf-yasya chapter 14 . 12/2/2016
I love this beautiful story, thank autor.
Guest chapter 14 . 8/18/2016
Well i really liked your story ! And i think it's very well written
I'm just a little disappointed in the asylium part which just aggravate the hatred of tom toward muggles
But i enjoyed this story and i don't understand why there is not that many reviews! This story deserves more !
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