Reviews for Terrible Things
maria chapter 1 . 4/1/2013
wooow x diioos e llorado cn esto es tan doloroso!
me gusto mucho
me gustaria una historia k cuando eran novios artemisa y wally y k pase k abia desparecido wally pero volvio y de ahi nose separaroon
Veniqeu chapter 1 . 9/7/2012
This story... Made me cry so hard. This has never happen to me before while reading a fanfic. Thank you so much. Loved it
Guest chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
this was sooo good, made me cry
N0601859 chapter 1 . 7/25/2012
Oh Gosh, I can't stop crying! Love the story and especially how well it goes with the song.
Keepmovingforwar chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
d2- awwww! Soo sad but soo good! I love this! I think this I one of my Alltime favorite oneshots! Love it!
YJTeenWolfLover chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Best angest spitfire stiry I've read. You had me crying at the end of this. Even though I like hate character deathes, I loved this. Little Ollie had his spitfire but Wally didn't. Awwwww... It was very touching and deep. Keep writing stories.
Shokugeki no DxD chapter 1 . 7/23/2012
This was sooooooooo sad, but had a nice ending. Still sad though. (
Defying.The.Silence chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
I...Can't...Stop...Crying... THIS. I CAN'T. WHY WOULD YOU WRITE THIS BEAUTIFULLY HORRIBLY SAD THING? WHY JUST WHY? I mean, holy crap, the writing is flawless. BUT MY FEELS. THERE ARE TOO MANY. *drowns in tears*

On a serious note, this was amazing. The song, the pairing, Ollie. Everything was perfect.

Urgh. This song, "The Tide" by The Spill Canvas, and "And The World Turned" by the Gabe Dixon Band are seriously the most depressing songs EVER.
FallenAngel184 chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Ok... I'm trying not to cry right now. I love Mayday Parade, and this is actually one of my favorite songs- the first time I heard it, I cried. And I just adore Spitfire and reading this I'm like "SO MANY FEELINGS! AHHH!" it was really good though. Very well written. (Sorry if this review makes no sense...)
noaverageangel chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Oh lord. I don't even ship spitfire and my feels hurt. This is one of my favorite songs and I love what you did with it. This was a beautifu piece. Bra-freakin-vo.
randommonkeyz998 chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
so sad! My heart broke in two! But soooo well written!
I love it!
Irenerb chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
Love it B)
3v3ry1luvsm3 chapter 1 . 7/22/2012
I like it. I do. it's really well written but I'm gonna be honest. I hate it. you made artemis die! if shed lived I would have liked it a little better. but I if was to rate it not based on the ending, 10/10. it was really great.