Reviews for Indefinite Articles
Pap Lal chapter 17 . 6/1
Iridescent Moonflower chapter 17 . 8/9/2019
Loooooooooooooved this! Go PruHun-they're so cute together. Great story!
Thyrra chapter 17 . 6/11/2017
This right here is a testament to the PruHun fandom and honestly I think it gave me diabetes. The good kind. This was beyond awesome.
lunasilvia chapter 17 . 1/22/2017
I think this is a really really good fanfiction. I enjoyed reading this throughout and laughed/squealed/cried/other-fangirly-actions every 2 seconds. I loved the way you portrayed Liz and Gil (and even Feliks, 'cause the sass never ends). This was such a sweet, fluffy fanfic without any trope overuse or OOC. Definitely one of my favourites. Kudos to you, Author-chan. :D
Deby chapter 17 . 2/27/2016
This is one of the sweetest fanfictions I've ever read. I love it immensely. The narrating voice of the protagonist is so entertaining, endearing, transparent in the way he says everything he thinks without filter in his journal, and easy to empathize with :) I really like your writing, specially the narration and the way you are subtly teaching about the importance of being responsable, not being rude with other people out of frustration/jealousy/sadness that is not their fault... The importance of maturing, working hard and being brave so we can obtain what we want and be happy. Of course this is a high school love story, not an complex/full of angst/hurt-comfort slice of life, but I can see how the protagonist is growing as a young man an will probably continue to grow with the motivation provided by his girlfriend. So, in short: This story is funny, romantic and adorable. I love it! :D
AiemYao chapter 17 . 10/5/2015
I know you ask for reviews, and this story wasn't written recently, but it's a wonderful read and I want everyone I know to read it (sadly they won't). I love your story so much that you might have swayed me to PruHun. Seriously, I'm questioning my previous ships because of this story. Thank you for writing, have a good day.
sugoiauriga chapter 17 . 9/11/2015
You, my friend, is the one and only author that is able to make me read a first person POV fanfic which is longer than 8 chapters. The first time i read it.. i only managed up to chapter 1 (i really can't stand first person POV). But then this fic keeps popping up on fic recs and I HAD TO DO SOMETHING.

Judging from the number of reviews alone (150), i thought "this fic must really be something!".. and in all truth man.. i was blown away like DAMN. The characters were on point.. everybody's got a little cameo.. lots of one liners (as expected of the awesome prussia)... a bit cliche but overall a fun and satisfying read. I enjoyed every bit of it. (because you made prussia lovable and really awesome XD)

I still steer away from first-person POV's but i tell you, this fic is one of the very few exceptions I am going to read again and again.

what can you say... I became a believer, hands down... thanks for sharing man and good luck! :D
sugoiauriga chapter 8 . 9/11/2015
this chapter was a train wreck from start to finish. i certainly did not expect them to sass each other in german. but the fight between gilbert and lizzie was the best. the arm biting and hair pulling was the cherry on top. AND I LIKE KIKU'S ANALYSIS ON NEKOTALIA. great chapter!
sugoiauriga chapter 5 . 9/11/2015
"Note to self: Do all homework on the trampoline from now on" and a lot of other one liners.. but that was the best in this chapter. and dude how big is their house? lol
sugoiauriga chapter 3 . 9/11/2015
really good chapter. :D i like how the bad touch tree stump became a recruitment office :D it's really fun making students gain interest of something
Keiri12 chapter 17 . 9/4/2015
Lovely read, and never underestimate the awesome that rubs off of prussia!Of course he nailed the newspaper and made it a hit! *fist pumps* You go gil!
cuddlyandcute chapter 17 . 3/30/2015


Well39 chapter 17 . 3/25/2015
This was so on point the whole way through. The diary. The way he wrote it. The characters.
Thank you for my new favourite Prussia fic.
LOLCAT chapter 14 . 2/17/2014
Whenever I see characters saying, "Go to sleep." I think Jeff the Killer. Is that bad?

Anxnymous chapter 16 . 2/9/2014
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