Reviews for Harry Potter and Death's Bargain
Ame's world chapter 7 . 7/30
Such a pity ! I really would have love to read more about this wonderful fanfic
Anyway, thanks a lot
Guest chapter 7 . 6/19
When something is dead it doesn't deserve any reviews as it is full of crap that's the only review you deserve pathetic crap
Guest chapter 7 . 2/14
Please update
tricorvus chapter 7 . 12/31/2019
I sincerely hope that you come back and finish this
rock on
bellapom chapter 7 . 12/20/2019
You've got another great story here
devin.kelly.9889 chapter 7 . 7/13/2019
Plz update soon
observentuser chapter 5 . 6/20/2019
I really hope that you find your muse for this story again :-)
missgsmith51 chapter 6 . 4/29/2019
That was a jam-packed little chapter!

I hope Harry and Hermione learned that it might not be the best idea to take the Animagus potion without a buddy supervising. That is the lesson I took from it, anyway. If something had gone wrong, they would have been in trouble.

I guess Harry's new motto about Snape might be "everything you thought you ever wanted to know about Snape but now wish you had left well enough alone." His mind sounds like a cesspool, or cesspit. What Harry learned certainly showed Snape's "love" for Lily to be something rather different from love.

I guess Rita will avoid Harry from now on. A story I read recently had Harry telling her - when she grabbed him to do an interview - that she'd better write equally about all of the champions, that it better be the truth, and that his private life was off limits. When she asked what would happen if she didn't do as he said, he just looked at her and responded, "... let's just say that your new boggart will be a flyswatter ..." IMO, that is probably one of the best lines anyone has ever said to her!

I love Harry's method of distracting Dumbledore. I wonder how long it will take him to ... "go hunting." So Harry's plan is to delay Snape getting to him to slow the curse? I hope taking him out so quickly doesn't cause things to backfire.
missgsmith51 chapter 4 . 4/28/2019
I wish Harry and Hermione could talk to Amelia about Dumbledore's obliviations and memory replacements. Obviously they can't mention all of them; but there are still three years' worth, plus any he has done this year. I think it would help to have Amelia in their corner.

I wonder if Harry will try to save Cedric and Sirius this time. Hmmmmm.

I worry about Ginny. She doesn't know about the Soulmate issue, so could she try and kill Hermione? I'm sure she will try and potion her. I hope Harry gets Hermione a ring with some protection charms on it. Actually, they both should have those rings. Maybe they need to go see the Goblins.
Guest chapter 7 . 2/25/2019
While I really hate that this story remains unfinished, I do understand how life can get in the way.'s to hoping you can, at some point, find your way back to your amazing stories. You have true talent and I most sincerely hope you're using and stretching it as you go along. Best of luck!
LilLinkGirl chapter 7 . 12/27/2018
Dang, why are all the good ones never finished? lol
Entropy the Eternal Destroyer chapter 7 . 10/9/2018
Harry was an absolute badass.
Nice story.
Guest chapter 7 . 8/17/2018
Well as a relative good pair of chapter, the rest suck as your AN about reviews, and as this is dead, then bad story with half a chapter of good quality.
missgsmith51 chapter 7 . 5/12/2018
I have really enjoyed your story thus far and am very sad that you have either been unable or, for some reason, decided not to finish it. You definitely have a different take on the often-told story which makes it quite interesting.

I have become rather tired of the Harry/Hermione pairing recently, because the Hermiones I have been reading lately all seem the same. The qualities that make Hermione an interesting mate for Harry seem to have been lost. The stories aren't all new ones, as some go back before 2010; they're just new to me. For this reason, I still check out Harry/Hermione before skipping on a story. (Normally, however, I'm smarter than to read an older, unfinished story.)

Anyway ... I like your Hermione/Harry. Both are more mature and level-headed. I like the bite in their personalities. I cheered when Hermione let Ginny have it with both barrels, so to speak, and when Harry returned Molly's obnoxious Howler to its sender. I love to see those two fight back with wit.

I really do think you should consider finishing your story. I want to know (1) if Cedric survives the tournament; (2) what Ginny does about her bald head; (3) whether Sirius is ever exonerated; (4) if Molly is grounded from sending any more Howlers; (5) what Albus's Reaper has to say when the old goat finally crosses over; (6) how H&H utilize their Animagus forms; (7) what happens when they perform that ritual in the spring; (8) whether Ron does anything else stupid; and a host of other fun things.

I'm sure I'm not the only one who is curious. Enquiring minds want to know!
hunzbookwyrm chapter 1 . 3/17/2018
Great start.
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