Reviews for The Need To Protect
Guest-san chapter 1 . 8/27/2013
kawaii :3
yeoleum chapter 1 . 8/9/2013
Oh, this is absolutely adorable. It is very unfair of FFN to delete the original, but hey it's something. Thank you very much for re-posting it again regardless of the deletion. If you haven't, we might haven't had the pleasure of reading this fan fiction of yours (: I'm curious, are you going to make this a Drabble? It'd be nice, seeing their interaction and the reaction of the others, seeing THE Hibari Kyoya in the presence of anyone, let alone a girl. Anywho, there is not much OOC on Kyoya's character, except for the fact, he's visiting a girl in the middle of the night, but hey, I'm not complaining. Anyways, looking forward to your future stories.

Till then,
Kaito Mitsuki
kufq2akzenblihopLK chapter 1 . 10/23/2012
SO SWEET! I LOVE IT! Why did FFN delete the original? o.o