Reviews for Enemy Mine
His Gem chapter 36 . 12/11/2019
Oh no! I powered through this and it ended! I really do hope you update. It's such a wonderful story.
countrygirlforever92 chapter 36 . 3/10/2019
more please
Guest chapter 23 . 10/13/2018
ALSO Spike is canonically bi anyways because he was involved with Angel, so him loving Buffy while she was male-presenting really isn't too far of a stretch. I LOVE MY QUEER VAMPIRE BABY
Guest chapter 7 . 10/11/2018
Can I just say how f*cking LONG I've been looking for this fic? I read it a super long time ago and I wanted to read it again, but I couldn't find and now I've FOUND IT IM SO HAPPY. I let myself read a chapter per every 30 mins of LSAT studying. A true treat. Bless you!
lDanielHolm chapter 36 . 9/15/2018
I thought the misspelling was on purpose, to make it different from djinn from actual folklore. I'd say keep it as a happy accident.

Like the story. Thanks for the update.
darklover chapter 36 . 8/23/2018
Glad that you updated. Keep those updates coming.

I thought it was good that Buffy didn't wear a dress. It was good to see them both behave awkwardly.
Guest chapter 36 . 8/22/2018
I need more! XD
I love your history
RazieLynn chapter 36 . 8/14/2018
it has been so long since there has been an update, and while this chapter seems to be more filler then story advancement, I am really looking forward to the conclusion of the story!
leyton4ever96 chapter 35 . 1/20/2018
I have just read this from start to finish i couldn't put my phone down! Your writing is wonderful, i can't wait to read more x
Serenity'sVision chapter 35 . 12/4/2017
Is this the last chapter?! Don't they get back? What about Reg?
darklover chapter 35 . 11/14/2017
Halfway past the story, I really started to get into the story. I love it and I can't wait to read more! I know how busy life can get and I wish you the best of luck in your writing endeavors. :)

I think the thought of someone loving someone regardless of their gender is the epitome of true love. It's a beautiful example and I know there are real life people in that situation. Most people regardless of their orientation (hetero, gay, lesbian) are not capable of it. It's too hard for them to do it. I suppose only a pansexual person is capable of it. I've never heard of this term until Miley Cyrus brought it up and I found that out randomly. Anyway, I like how you have handled this troupe.

I think you have handled well how both Buffy and Spike have to endure growing pains in order to heal and actually be on the path to a healthy relationship.

I'm really glad Buffy is putting the effort to woo Spike and that she has realized how messed up she was by using him.

It's been a while since I've been reading BTVS fanfic and your fic kinda made me reflect on season 6 in a different way. You pointed out things I was already aware of such as Buffy having the issue of not opening up. I think it kinda highlights how if you can't even love yourself, you can't have a relationship. A lot of people are in that boat sadly.

I like your original characters. I relate to Reggie. I know how it feels to be a tomboy growing up :)
LdyJulanna chapter 35 . 10/28/2017
Oh my God that was so beautiful I love you take on everything I love the trip back into the past I love the Buffy gets to see Spike as himself as William that they get to spend time without everybody damming the relationship… But I mean really and truly is there going to be another chapter? Because I have to know how their day goes… What happens when they finally get back to the future? Do they get to take Reggie? Seriously I got to see the skivvies reaction I want to see if Buffy actually stands up for Spike knowing what all she knows now and if Reggie gets to come with them how she acclimates to the 21st century please say at least there is one more chapter maybe two I have to see what happened when they return I need to know if they truly get back together and once and for all I wanna see if Buffy will truly tell everybody to get the hell off Spike besides that wouldn't it be funny if they figured out that because of the thing between kit and Lilith that her Giles is some distant relative of spikes? LOL
LdyJulanna chapter 31 . 10/28/2017
Oh Lord, I can't wait for the next chapter… I hope Spike doesn't think that if he come back there just because and did all that just because she was a slayer
LdyJulanna chapter 25 . 10/28/2017
Oh no! If Reggie tell Spike the truth or William rather… Hopefully she'll give Buffy time to explain.
LdyJulanna chapter 9 . 10/28/2017
I'm absolutely loving this story… I love the explanation you give for the differences between Angeles and Spike I've often wondered why Spike gets the shit and of the stick because he is nicer to Buffy without a soul without a spell forcing him to be nice then Angeles would be obviously and I wondered what it was that made Angel so good when he had a soul thanks to the gypsy curse but then a complete opposite yet Spike has no gypsy curse but he does his best to try and help Buffy later on after they do their you know dance and he realizes that he loves her why is it that Spike can come to the realization without a soul that he cares about Buffy and obviously her sister and friends but yet Angel who claims to be her soulmate does a complete 180 if the curse is broken? I personally have always thought Spike was a better person vampire whatever because he didn't need some sort of gypsy curse to make him change his mind about killing Buffy.
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