Reviews for Brave
Hayley chapter 1 . 11/18/2018
Hi I’m back again! Just letting you know that I still check to see if you updated! Still hoping you’ll finish one day :)
Guest chapter 7 . 7/21/2018
Jeez! That was bold as hell. In a classroom during summer school? His Mom is wandering the halls, too. That’s too much for such a shy and nervous girl. I feel bad for her because she likes him but she is not ready to be so sexual so soon. Aw. She’s been daydreaming about going on dates and romance, she was not expecting this.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/21/2018
Jamie is a shit friend! She loves to torment her. Emily will be a good friend for her.
NinaPops chapter 10 . 9/2/2017
But now I just don't get why it has been SO long since your last update. Sure, life happens. I hope you were truly overwhelmed by happiness, family and success. I hope it was all good reasons.
Though no matter what the reasons are... Please come back ! Don't let their story end on Kim breaking up with him. And write those 3 stories you wanted.

You have an amazing writting style. Your characters don't suddenly change to become less shy or something. The story makes sense (and believe me, it is not as common as it should be !).

I hope I'll hear from you soon. And I apologize for the mistakes I am sure I made... I am French though. Just trying x)

NinaPops chapter 9 . 9/2/2017
Alright. So, remember that author's note at the end of this chapter ?
I am not asking what happened, because your note at the end of chapter 10 explains it quite clearly (congratulations for everything by the way. But let us get back to serious business !).

I am asking... What are you waiting for ? Why don't you finish this story ? Why don't you write the next three ones ?
You obviously have a talent for writing ! It's just amazing. I devored your Sam and Emily story and squealed when I saw there was one about Jared and Kim. I did.
Guest chapter 10 . 11/26/2016
This story is excellent. I saw on your profile that you said you were planning on finishing it. I was just wondering if that was still the case? I began reading this story when you posted the second chapter, so I'm cool with waiting long periods of time lol
Hayley chapter 10 . 1/22/2016
Hi! I don't think I've reviewed this story before, but I've been reading and rereading this story so many times over the past year! I'm in love with it, and I'm hoping-no begging- for you to finish it! I know you must be busy with your baby and your husband, but I hope you find the time to finish it! BEST Kim and Jared story I've ever read! So realistic unlike a lot of the other ones. I feel like I can relate to this one.. And trust me when I say, I have read a lot of Kim and Jared stories! I just love the idea of their relationship! So anyways please finish one day! I don't care if it's even ten years from now! I will keep checking haha!
wolfiegirl4ever chapter 10 . 1/23/2015
can you please update:(
Sigh chapter 10 . 4/17/2014
I understand you haven't updated for a while but I really wanted - actually needed - to tell you how good this story is. I find myself searching fanfiction for well written stories and failing to find them. This was such a relief, to be able to actually read a story without adding words to the ends of sentences or rewriting paragraphs in my head. I felt like I should let you know that this story is linked in my bookmarks, for rereading if nothing else.
Jordan chapter 10 . 4/6/2014
You definitely have the writing ability that a lot of fanfiction authors lack. Your characterization is interesting and realistic. I love the awkwardness in Jared and Kim's interactions and everything else that makes your story true to actual love lives of high schoolers. So cute! Hope to see an update sometime!
Girl Next Door 92 chapter 9 . 1/20/2014
Please update soon! I can't wait to see what happens next.
Holli7555 chapter 10 . 12/18/2013
I'm pretty sure I stayed up later than I should have reading this story. It's very well done. Your Jared seems so naturally affable. And I love that your Kim seems to have a personality more than just being shy. I feel like some writers rely way too much on that one personality trait and forget to make her into a well developed character. I'm crossing my fingers hoping that you haven't abandoned the fic because you left it at a really great cliffhanger.
Manoella Nascimento chapter 10 . 12/1/2013
Well, first off I wish you a happy healthy pregnancy with a bouncy baby on the end of it! I really like this fic - I find that Kim is very likeable, even if she gets a little annoying at times. I really like how the brave part of the story is breaking up with Jared to learn to be better. I hope to read more soon!
Girl Next Door 92 chapter 10 . 11/5/2013
Hi there, I'm loving your story so far, and I really hope that that you update soon, given that you left off at a really angsty point in this chapter! Did I mention that I'm loving the story? ;)
-Girl Next Door
Guest chapter 10 . 10/14/2013
I just found this story and I have to say that I really like your Kim. She's different then most I've read before, which for me makes the story more interesting. I also think she's more realistic than many characters I've read. She's not always strong and confident, and sometimes she lets people walk all over her. Nonetheless, she's learning to stand up for herself, and I can't wait to see how she does it. Please update soon! I really want to read Jared's reaction to the letter.
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