Reviews for Moment to Fight
MorgantheFae chapter 1 . 8/10/2016
I'm with you when it comes to Ichigo having to save everybody. I liked him so much better when he trusted his allies to be able to take care of themselves. Now it just bugs me when people talking about Ichigo fighting. The other characters are really strong too, so why does Ichigo get all the glory? I'd have liked to see this in canon.
KnowledgeandImagination chapter 1 . 6/12/2015
Thank you so much for writing this! I had the exact same thought the first time that chapter in bleach came out. Just plain old what the f is this? Stealing bankai and using them against the shinigami went against what was previously established and didn't make sense no matter how I tried to wrap my head around it. I mean, I guess they can seal away the spirits, but I feel like kubo has forgotten the original spirit of what having a zanpakutou meant. It was one of the most awesome elements about bleach, I thought. The idea that a part of your soul becomes a weapon, and the connection you have with the spirit of your zanpakutou was one of he most interesting aspects to think about and explore... And then they really did become just like pieces of steel. Just no. I had to stop following bleach then, especially since they just keep making the shinigami weaker and weaker, even though they have way more training tha ichigo. I mean, sure ichigo might have an overload of natural talent and reiatsu, but that doesn't replace skill and training and I felt that the years of work other shinigami put in were being written off as useless and not as good. I like reading about prodigies and skill as much as the next person, but... Ichigo was just too much for me.

In any case, sorry for the long rant! I guess in conclusion, I want to say again how much I enjoyed reading this and your interpretation of what should have happened, and your take on the characters! I really enjoyed it!
Niu Shiy-Ue chapter 1 . 11/16/2013
This is so much better than what's happening in canon right now.
eldarhunter chapter 1 . 11/7/2013
I love this so glad that someone said it, no way in hell you could just steal a Bankai it is a part of their soul and i can so see Hyourinmaru going nuts on anyone who dared separate him from his master

here is some source material stating why stealing Bankai is bull

"The biggest flaw of Bankai lies in the overwhelming power it releases. Its power and form are often far beyond those of a normal weapon, which is why one needs to train at least 10 years with Bankai in order for one to become capable of using it completely and effectively. No Bankai should be used in battle before this period of time has been reached."

"To achieve Bankai, one must be able to materialize and subjugate their Zanpakutō spirit."

Note the key word there "Subjugate" their Zanpakutō spirit meaning it has to be forced to obey, and that's for their true wielder but some random ass can steal and use it no problem... BULL!

Why is Ichigo always needed, he could not even harm espada number 4 after the release, Hitsugaya in a one-on-one fight can kill number 3 and he's not even one of the stronger captains! Ichigo's strength seems to go up and down randomly

i like having a badass main character but not if it means making everyone else helpless seriously some of those guys have been fighting for 100's if not 1000's of years and a 17 year old is out doing them! that's just not right
JoPoGirlsKickAss chapter 1 . 5/21/2013
No other words.
AmunRa chapter 1 . 4/13/2013
This was much more entertaining than that manga chapter. Thanks.
Myth.C.Angel chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
you know if bleach did something like this, i'd probably still be following the manga instead of just reading fan fictions.
Fjallsarlon chapter 1 . 1/14/2013
I have to approve of this. This is very well-written, and I'm just about as tired of having Ichigo always show up to bail Soul Society out of trouble. Thanks for writing.
JanxxTheMighty chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
Seriously, I wish that the creators of Bleach would have used at least SOMETHING like this! This is brilliant!
kurgaya chapter 1 . 7/31/2012
YES! *applauds* I'm glad I'm not the only one to think that Hyorinmaru should rebel against the Quincy wielding him in some shape or form. I never even thought of getting frostbite from touching the katana, but I can see it happening :) I agree with you completely on this point:

'The zanpakuto aren't objects, bolts of steel separate from their souls. The zanpakuto are them, their selves, personality solidified into something so feared that the Quincy sought to turn them against their masters.'

The bankais can't really just be stolen and used against the shinigami in my mind, because zanpakutos are, as you said, personalities, and they are in control of themselves. They're not just suddenly going to listen to someone else.

(Unless, of course, there's more to the Qunicies than Kubo is letting on for now, of course)

Anyway, thanks for writing this! :)
Sora-Uchiha1827 chapter 1 . 7/29/2012