Reviews for Summer Vacation Gone Wild
Guest chapter 17 . 6/4
Love your story!
Guest chapter 26 . 2/1
Why dont people complete good stories ever?!
LilyRay321 chapter 26 . 9/7/2019
pls update please please please
evacassie18 chapter 26 . 4/7/2019
Hey, please, don't give up on the story. I saw that's been a while since you update but please, it's a good story and it doesn't deserve to be abandoned.
Love, Eva
Momkari28 chapter 26 . 3/24/2019
I really enjoy this story. I think Jon knows and will give his blessing. Izzy is great, Marie is just curious and happy for jace. I feel that the next chapter is her party and they finally have their moment
Guest chapter 26 . 3/23/2019
Please please please please continue this
Guest chapter 26 . 3/1/2019
I think you should continue this fan fiction because it is really good and you never got to clary’s bday party or to what Jon wanted to talk to Jace about. Please just think about it!
Guest chapter 6 . 2/28/2019
How old is jace
kiawhitecross chapter 26 . 1/21/2019
plz update soon hope everything is good xx
Guest chapter 26 . 11/24/2018
I love this story
FanFicFan chapter 26 . 6/22/2018
Hey, great story. I rly like it so far and would appreciate it if u could continue but I fully understand if you can't or don't want to.
I have read all of your stories and have thoroughly enjoyed all of them
Guest chapter 26 . 6/15/2018
Pls finish story! This is like the best story I’ve ever read. Once I finished the last chapter I was like “okay I’ll just wait for the next one!” But then I saw the updated date and my heart literally broke into 2. pls pls pls! I love this story!
Guest chapter 26 . 6/10/2018
This is very well written I thourghly enjoyed reading the story in fact iv read it a couple times and if you could please continue it.
Guest chapter 1 . 5/7/2018
Really loved this story. Hope you'll continue it some day.
LED89 chapter 26 . 4/16/2018
Right its been like two years can yo please update
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