Reviews for Damn You, Denim
MissDbzMedabots chapter 1 . 12/27/2014
Dear you, what a gorgeous little fic you've written! Even though you say you've never written slash to this extent, may I just say that you've done an exceptionally GREAT job? I checked the segment of RAW that inspired this fic first on WWE network, since I discovered WWE only this summer. I love Jericho, I've seen him a few times this year making random appearances and Zig... he is my absolute favourite. He's so gorgeous and Jericho is undeniably sexy. Wonder why I never thought of this pairing before :D But, to get back on topic, there was so much chemistry between them! Wew... You wrote both of these men perfectly in character, as much as I can tell and the scene was very hot! It's a short to-the-point fic but with clear, descriptive, rich words which I admire a lot. Great writing and I love the ending with "thanks for that old man", "anytime, junior" and then leaving the jeans behind for Zig. :D It's really good so good job! Even though this story was written years ago, great job! I had to tell you. :) Thank you so much for writing and sharing with the rest of us. All the best wishes to you for the new year!
hellbreaksloose chapter 1 . 4/28/2013
AMAZING 3 more i love it 33 !
JanieBearxxo chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
Im turning into ron simmons.


That was awesome.
dashinginconverse chapter 1 . 8/28/2012
Hee hee, this fic made me giggle so fangirlishly it isn't even funny.

I was glad that I wasn't the only one that saw the chemistry between these two! And I don't read wrestle-slash much, but this caught my eye and I'm glad it did! I think I might legitimately ship these two now.

Amazing job! Would love to read more fics from you!
DeanAmborseBatistaWifey23 chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Like I Said Before Dolph And Chris Makes A Hot Pairing But I Did Like Ending A Little But Of Sweetest And Tender Like Í Like It Both Are So Cocky And Arrgoant But That Makes Them Good Together But Nice One-Shot On Them I Enjoy That Thanks You Made My Day
M.j's place chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Oh My God that was Hot beyond words! I would love to read more of this couple and boy did you read my mind! I was thinking this is my FF dream when I saw them together in the ring! Thank you for pairing them up in my Slashy World! I loved it!
JadeRose1 chapter 1 . 8/1/2012
Hot, sexy with a hint of cuteness. God job & welcome to the world of a slash author...even if just part time.