Reviews for One Step from Oblivion
CaduceusSiren chapter 1 . 6/30/2010
continue please, it's a brillant story. :]
chibi heishi chapter 1 . 9/3/2008
This was really good! I like how you've shown both the guys here.
Mommy Silver chapter 1 . 5/19/2008
please, please, do continue!
WalkInEternity chapter 1 . 3/5/2008
This has been a very interesting read. I do wish there was an ending, though.

Reno is one of a kind, that is for sure. I love reading stories about him. I like this story. A unique way to Reno's childhood.

I also want to let you know that it annoys me greatly that there is no end, but it is your choice on continueing the story, not mine.

Either way, I got to say, you have a talent for writing.
Destination-Zero chapter 1 . 11/29/2007
Heck yeah i think you should continue it! i've read many stories about Reno's past and his childhood, but nothing like t his. I especially like the way you made Reno meet Rude. great job.
CuriousDreamWeaver chapter 1 . 7/26/2007
It was a great fic! I thought it was wonderfully written and I loved your characterisation. Well done!


Tilia Cordata chapter 1 . 7/10/2007
YES you should continue! This story is one of the most well-written stories about Reno before he became a Turk I've ever read.
FloofWolfe chapter 1 . 5/4/2007
Hell yes, don't you dare stop writing! I love it!
What2callmyself chapter 1 . 4/16/2007
Meep! O.O! This is god! _ Continue PLEASE! D How can you leave me with such a cliffhanger as that! This is such a nice start, let me know what happens next! I like your writing style! I like how you tap into Reno's personality, and the whole surprising but not unsurprising factor comes in too! Yay! What happened to Gray during their time apart? -He seems like he's not at all skirting from violence anymore. -and no more hair? What's going on? What is going to happen to Reno now? What is going to happen in future events. Please please tell me you are updating soon!
Guardian Fox chapter 1 . 8/5/2006
Wow, this is so cool! I love your story line. please continue.
Sesshoumaru's Princess chapter 1 . 7/8/2006
Hey, this is totally awesome! Reno is one of my favorite characters. I have never really thought much as to his past. This is a great story that I really want you to update!
Aimed mischief chapter 1 . 3/4/2006
Wow! Awesome work mate! I totally loved it! I'm dying for more, so keep it up and have fun! Cya!

Izzy aka ShalBrenfan
Squirrel Legs chapter 1 . 10/3/2005
You should definitely continue, this is a freakin badass fic and I hope you don't stop writing this. UPDATE!
Vee017 chapter 1 . 6/12/2004
I can't beleive you haven't written more of this! This is such an amazing fic, I'm so glad I ran into it! If you ever get into the FF7 fandom again, please continue this. It's so god:) I would love to where this goes from here, and more of Rude and Reno's reactions to each other.

Great fic, I love it to no end!
Black Lightning 4 chapter 1 . 1/9/2004
OMG you are SO col!
Yeah write more please!
Oh yeah and it's latter i think not later.
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