Reviews for Unraveled
XritaskeeterhatersX chapter 45 . 1/16/2010
I have never ever ever read a fanifc like this one before. And I have to say I enjoyed every minute of it :):)
lnvisiblelnk chapter 2 . 1/24/2009
I haven't got very far into the story but so far i like ]

I felt I had to comment though because you chose an awsome name for Sirius's child... Fiona! Which is my name! ] and it is awsome in all it's awsomeness ] and now I feel special

sympatheticassassin chapter 6 . 5/1/2007
Is she stupid? She just goes to a mysterious stranger's house when she knows there are mysterious stranger's who killed her mother.

I hope draco dear and her hook up.
JamSack chapter 45 . 6/18/2005
I read this on Honeydukes two years ago! And it's as great now as it was then! Completley AWESOME! I love your writing! Definitly a favourite and one of the best HP fanfics I've read!
amused chapter 1 . 10/9/2004
I like the story, but honestly why did you have to give her red eyes? uck. red eyes just seem evil. even if they are "like rubies" anyway
coolcaramello chapter 45 . 9/5/2004
hey i no u've finished dis story 4 a while, i just havn't read it b4. i just wanna tell u howo much i loved this story , its really , nice plot and everything. i was hoping u would write a sequel maybe about draco. maybe sumthing like after he finished his training at avalon and maybe some draco/ginny . just a suggestion
DarkPrincessoftheLight chapter 13 . 4/11/2004
So Ryu Ran's hawaiian? Well, half hawaiian... Is his last name suppoused to be hawaiian? 'Cause there's no "r" in the hawaiian alphabet. Jus and okina... (it's sorta like a aphostrophe) take some advice from a native.
Ionaf chapter 45 . 8/24/2003
you know, you should really do a bit of a fluffy follow-up on them *winkwink*. I loved this story and loved it even more to the facts as aforementioned: my name's Fiona, and blah, blakc hair, white skin, blah, blah. I also loved it because it was just wonderful, how all of the facts fit in so nicely and smoothly, you could almost BELIEVE that the author/authoress snatched it from a textbook. It's just one of those stories that have lovely ending lines and lovely plots and charcrters a little perfect, and then you see them chip all along the way o the edges. I felt like Ron and HErmione were left out a bit, but in a general sense, the story DOES revolve around Harry and Fin, right? _ And your disclaimers are very quirky. Mine are all technical. My friend. Mercuryaurora, her disclaimers for CCS are too well-researched...oh well...hapy writing and think about another epilouge...PLEASE!
Ionaf chapter 2 . 8/23/2003
I love your story so far...problem: I can't get to the third chapter! ( But it's great and I particularly like because my name's Fiona and I'm short, and I have pale skin and black hair and am accused severly of being goth...anyway, I really need that third chapter page to open up! So I'll review again when I'm at your last chapter.
evil-jaygizmoe chapter 45 . 8/16/2003

I just finished reading your story. It's amazing! Like you have such creativity to mix in AAvlon and with Harry Potter, it's unbelieveable. I believe we have the future J.K. Rowling here! Amazing, Keep Up the fantastic work! I can't wait to read more of your work!

grand admiral chelli chapter 45 . 7/5/2003
that is probably the best story i have ever read - seriously its almost as good as the original harry potter - you make me jealous. no one should be able to write that well! ah! anyways, perhaps you'll write a sequel? or have you already? if so, i'll go read it now!
Christina chapter 45 . 6/30/2003
aw! that just makes me feel all warm and gooey inside...will there be a sequel? please say there will...i thought that the way you tied all the Merlinian and Avalonian magic and customs together was wonderful..I'm especially glad that you did not make Harry some egotistical king..thank you for writing an excellent story.
Orien chapter 45 . 6/29/2003
*sniff* I love this story it's just so beautiful. love... it truely is a powerful thing.
MerlinHalliwell chapter 14 . 6/7/2003
;cool story, at least what i've read so far. : )
Rhiannon chapter 1 . 3/11/2003
I love this story!

I can't wait for ur next one.

p.s. i'm reading another of ur fics, Lily in Full Blossom, and it's really good!

i would review for it on a seperate review sheet, but i'm too lazy to pull that story up and review for it there
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