Reviews for The End
Alex Nymph chapter 34 . 6/25

pabuuuuu chapter 28 . 6/22
ouch !
gabumon7 chapter 36 . 1/4
I almost thought you were going to have tenzin wake up and find Lin had passed instead!
prewarmadness chapter 27 . 12/7/2015
I normally comment one the last chapter, but I just have to tell you how much I love this one. The symbolism is spot on, especially Tenzin's part. The line about his return to earth is genius and I think perfectly fits his relationship with Lin. And of course the last sentence-wow. Thanks for this great piece of work!
poiuygtfdxcvbnmlkjlhugfc chapter 36 . 8/8/2015
This was the perfect ending to this story. It has been amazing reading this story and actually getting to know the same characters but in a different way.

I hope you do write the next story because I just don't feel ready to let go just yet.

You are an exceptional writer with an amazing story that really makes you feel so many emotions. And for that I say thank you. :)
satomobile chapter 36 . 8/7/2015
What a ride this has been. I thank you for your shout out, but even more for your incredible writing! It has been such a pleasure to read this story, even when it was making me sob (as it has in this last chapter AND many others!)

On this particular chapter, I have to admit I had tears in my eyes in the first paragraph which speaks to just how emotionally attached I am to this story in general! You put this together beautifully, the theme of time ticking away in the background- I felt like I was running down the clock trying to go through this chapter as slowly as possible so it would never have to end- and that feeling fit the story wonderfully.

You tied it all up in the end with a bittersweet moment that really reached into my chest and squeezed my heart. This moment: “Lin?” he asks, but he doesn’t need to. He’s known all along that in the end, it would be her.

It would always be her.

I lost it at that. I really did. So much has been building to this one line (three years and a day and also a lifetime for these characters!) has been building just to say what we've known from the start. It would always be her. It will always be them. Ughhh.

Please let me know if you ever write more, even for another fandom! I've said it before and I'll say it again- your talent is overwhelming and puts most others to shame! Keep writing and you'll always have a reader here. You're absolutely brilliant. Thank you for this story, it has been a pleasure.
Guest chapter 9 . 2/3/2015
Wow. This chapter was so heartbreaking.
demoisellecamille chapter 18 . 1/31/2015
This is my favorite out of all the prompts in this fic! It's just so beautiful!
Commander Allie chapter 35 . 8/28/2014
Personally I like her and Bumi together more than her and Tenzin. Her being so heartbroken though makes me sad. : (
Guest chapter 4 . 8/27/2014
I always assumed the bison herd that lived on the island were wild and left to fend for themselves. I know Tenzin's personal pet, Oogi, was domestic buy I thought the others were untrained because they roamed freely across the island.
Lina Oso chapter 34 . 8/22/2014
...I have not heart. It got ripped out. Lin is my favorite and Linzin is my ship and oh Lord *sigh* I feel so much right now.
Commander Allie chapter 34 . 8/20/2014
Poor Lin views motherhood the wrong way. It would be a lot to continue the airbender lineage, but it would also be an honor too.
poiuygtfdxcvbnmlkjlhugfc chapter 1 . 8/20/2014
This chapter and story in fact has the right amount of emotions to make me tear up or laugh. The way this story is written is beautiful.
Snow White's Poisonous Bite chapter 34 . 8/20/2014
ClawfootCauldron chapter 34 . 8/19/2014
Okay, talk about emotional overflow. *takes a deep breath* You made me tear up, this was very moving and certainly pricked and punched all the right places. Ow, but wonderful!
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