Reviews for Winter
Saku chapter 1 . 11/30/2013
Just. Beautiful...
Sumi Arana chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
Oh wow this was really good. I was really surprised when you mentioned that this was written before the game came out. :) I really liked all of the analogies and whatnot. Thoroughly enjoyable.
Crayon of a mad girl chapter 1 . 10/13/2012
Amazing! :D
mel chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
ohhh gosh this was adorable, you did an amazing job writing both of them.
Silent-Sarcasm chapter 1 . 9/21/2012
I love this story. The way Piers compare Chris to winter. Taking different aspects of it and using them to describe Chris throughout the story.

The part at the end awwwwwwwww.

I also like the silence when Piers tells chris about the one. The nod that said he understund. A love one is a love one no matter the gender.

I would love if he came out to be the first resident evil gay character. To back it would never happen.
Salysha chapter 1 . 9/2/2012
"Just Chris."

He'll never be just Chris, no matter how much he keeps telling us. Tormented, jaded, and slowly losing the battle, he is still be the best out there. The resident hero.

Chris' portrayal is wonderful. (Though why a smoker?) The winter theme keeps repeating, and what his snapshots from RE6 have let us understand, the depiction is wonderfully apt. The writing is absolutely beautiful: I adore the lexicon, and worship the characterizations, and I love the plot. This piece is wonderfully understated; the writing is simple, yet the scene painted is wonderfully vivid and tangible.

I liked how Piers' admission received no further ado. Not every him-her admission needs a buckload of drama, and quite frankly, not everyone is that interested. To me, the simple acknowledgement felt in-character as Chris just let it flow and validated Piers' admission (spot-on word choice).

Corrections: Chris understands his feelings (*understand). In the summary: "one-sided" and *drabble (a piece of exactly 100 words; this doesn't require a special definition, as the word counter gives you the facts, but ficlet or simply story would work). I thought that the third repetition of "you don't disappoint me" was maybe a little too much (maybe it would have been possible to work around the second one?), but emotionally, that was the perfect ending.

This was superb. I loved the story, felt connected to it, and enjoyed every wintry character description. If I wasn't already so into the characters, my love for them would have been reignited. Thank you for sharing this gem!
Lantean12 chapter 1 . 8/30/2012
Well where do I begin?

It was beautifully written, the descriptions were beautiful and portrays Chris perfectly. Obviously we have to wait to find out more on Piers' personality, though you had one thing right and that was that he had nothing but respect for him despite the harsh verbal beating he had given him.

I like how you showed a simple act of moving to keep each other warm as having so much meaning for Piers.

Overall it was a beautiful. Sad, but it was beautiful. Keep up the good work.

x-Artichoke-x chapter 1 . 8/12/2012
Such a fantastic story. Seriously. I adore your writing style...Like so much. It's so simplistic but yet so descriptive, and all works so unbelievably well. Okay I'm exhausted, and probably not making much or any sense right now. Basically I really loved the story.

The dialogue is so believable and well written. And I think you've nailed the characters, obviously can't really say much for Piers, we know little about him. But you've given him a great character, I love how devoted he is to Chris, and how much he really looks up to him.

And with Chris, I think you did a fantastic job. The line: 'His face is worn with everything he has seen; all the battles and losses are carved out right there.' Yup right there my heart did that little fluttery thing (haha) and I was sold. That description is just so...perfect!

Anyway, not completely sure if any of this was coherent! But I adored the story, you did such an amazing job! It's been a long time since I've found a story I really loved and here it is! Great job!
Take care,
Guest chapter 1 . 8/9/2012
Excellent well thought out and memorable work as always. It is very sad but I think you accurately describe the character of Chris. I hope you write more about these two.
Saint Sentiment chapter 1 . 8/8/2012
Hey, Tori! It sure has been a while.

You've got me shipping these two something fierce and the game's not even out yet. We don't even know how these two interact let alone what Piers' personality is, as you've pointed out. But this is exquisite, something I've been waiting for - dark and angsty Chris peppered with unrequited love. A perfect recipe for darkfic! Or at least somber/emotional fic.

Why do I get the feeling that we're gonna find out that either Jill or Claire have died (Jill as a result of the complications of P30 withdrawal or Claire being KIA or something)? I also suspect Ada isn't going to survive this game, but I can't really say why. It's just a pestering hunch.

Loved the language, loved the present-tense (makes it more literary and immediate) and love the undertones that flow under this fic. Good job with the whole "Winter Chris" metaphor. You just gave me an idea or two for some prompt fills for Dark Bingo on LJ. X3

Keep up the good work and hope to see more from you soon. Can't wait to see what you come up with when RE6 comes around.

Riot Siren chapter 1 . 8/6/2012
From what we've seen of RE6, it's pretty obvious that Piers idolizes Chris...and they're going to spend a lot of time together. It's impossible not to speculate. Why does Piers care so much? Sure, Chris is a living legend. But there's more than that. He has some NEED to believe in Chris. I think that's the only thing I'd like to see added in this story - more of why Piers not only desires him, but looks up to him and needs him to be a hero. Is Chris everything he wants to be? Does he still feel that way now that he's seen the harsh reality?

"I must disappoint you." Aww, Chris! But it's the perfect refrain for their conversation. It reminds me of the song "Do I Disappoint You" by Rufus Wainwright. Maybe Piers did/does need Chris to be more than he really is. It's also nice that Piers comes out to him and Chris is okay with it...and maybe even into it? A little? Wasn't so long ago that the gay character wouldn't even come out. Depending on what happens in RE6, this could be a great basis for a longer story about these two.