Reviews for Malleus Maleficarum
Lilyhybrid chapter 5 . 6/9
This story completely shows the chaotic-ness of Gensokyou and I appreciate it very much.
kinigget chapter 18 . 4/20/2016
Well you somehow managed to combine Touhou with Madoka Magic and get Gurren Lagann

And I loved every bit of it
kinigget chapter 17 . 4/20/2016
I officially love you
kinigget chapter 13 . 4/20/2016
kinigget chapter 6 . 4/20/2016
How in the name of all the gods are you making this *work*?
kinigget chapter 3 . 4/18/2016
You know? I'm actually kind of impressed with how you handled Madoka's wish here. Different, but still entirely within her character

As a side note, Gensokyo has only been sealed for abut 125 years. One of the few pieces of solid canon we actually have
kinigget chapter 1 . 4/7/2016
You have gloriously screwed with canon and that alone would be good, but then you go and pull out some truly interesting match ups

Not entirely sold on the characterization, but that's a relatively minor concern, plus it's not like you pulled them out of nowhere

Consider me interested
Sparkling chapter 1 . 5/9/2014
Only managed to read until chapter 12 and then I just jumped into last paragraph in chapter 18... Overall, I quite enjoy the story... But sadly what kills my curiosity and interest was that Madoka's cast seem a little bit OP (over-powered) compared to Touhou's cast when it should have been the opposite..

My personal opinion is that Sakuya had more experience in manipulating time and space compared to Homura, since Sakuya lived long enough than mere human (as stated by Remilia)... So Sakuya should have been But in contrast when I finished reading chapter 2, Homura was better in the abilities than Sakuya...

While in a fighting scene between Komachi and Sakura, I was like "Why!?" when Komachi lose the fight (not trying to offend because I like PMMM and touhou series)... because in terms of fighting using spell card system, obviously Touhou cast should have the advantage especially since Sakura's already exhausted (as stated in chapter 5)... But Sakura's winning over Komachi really kills the interest... So for me, both side should have been balanced and equal power so that the story progress smoothly and intersting...

Another thing that made me jump immediately to the final chapter was that the story had a little bit too much filler...
I Before A Except After K chapter 2 . 2/23/2014
This chapter just killed off any lingering interest or suspension of disbelief that I'd had with this story. I was already rather confused by the differences in the Madoka cast, and I was rather put-off by the Touhou cast's apparent weakness, but the straw that broke the camel's back was the Madoka cast accusing the Touhou cast of attacking for no reason when the Madoka cast was clearly the party to initiate hostilities.

Considering the differences in the Madoka cast and a brief check of your profile, I'm reasonably certain that this is supposed to be a sequel to one of your other fics. If this is the case, that should be indicated in the description, especially when you're turning the story into a crossover.

As for the Touhou cast's apparent weakness, I realize that you're trying to highlight the different ways battles are treated in each universe, but you have to keep in mind that all the Spell Card system does is make battles non-lethal. The goal is still to defeat your opponent. Life and death battle or not, the Touhou cast has FAR more power and combat experience than the Madoka cast, particularly incident-resolvers such as Sakuya, Youmu, and Sanae. You mentioned in your review of this chapter that you didn't want the Madoka cast to curbstomp the Touhou cast, but honestly I feel that the problem should have been keeping the Touhou cast from curbstomping the Madoka cast, as Madoka clearly isn't a goddess here (if she was, I'd agree that the Touhous would get curbstomped).

The issue of who initiated hostilities is what particularly bothers me. In the first chapter, it's pretty clear that Sanae isn't making any efforts to antagonize the Madoka cast, and is in fact confronted by them. They then follow her back to Sakuya and Youmu, where Mami attacks before a mutual understanding can be reached. That in itself is not a problem. What IS a problem is that in this chapter, the Madoka cast accuses the Touhous of being the ones to do all this, which is as far from the truth as it is possible to be.

All in all, I feel like if things were slightly different, I would've loved this story. But due to a few small issues, I'm driven away. Don't get me wrong, your writing is quite good, but I'm the type who has standards that increase as the quality of the work increases. And unfortunately, my own beliefs about the relative strength of the characters factor into those standards.
pltrgst chapter 18 . 2/20/2014
good end!
pltrgst chapter 16 . 2/20/2014
is this ragnarok something like from persona?
pltrgst chapter 15 . 2/20/2014
imo, the yama is the strongest.. next is shinki..
Antimatter625 chapter 18 . 2/1/2014
First ran into this a long while back when I was initially considering a PMMM x Touhou crossover myself, and was initially extremely confused (having read the first couple chapters) because I hadn't read the first part.

One thing had had initially thrown me off is how out-of character the Puellas in particular seemed to act. Causality Crash made that all make sense, as it really helped nail down their personalities in this cosmology and what experiences were driving their decision making processes. They're internally consistent, but not static, which can be hard to pull off. It's clear enough that they've moved beyond who they were in the series, and in a reasonable enough fashion, considering what happened in CC.

There's a lot of shipping going on here, but I don't think it was too absurd. I feel they tended to move a bit too quick sometimes, but then that's a thing that can happen even when hormones and life circumstances aren't making life a confusing mess. More importantly, the relationships were more amusing diversions than derailing nuisances. Healthy relationships can be just as interesting as unhealthy or awkward ones, and I think you really managed to bring that point across (mostly thinking of Alice and Marisa, offhand).

There are a lot of ways to do crossovers, and this in particular really felt like a thorough one; using both settings and characters from both to good effect. The villains initially seemed like they came from nowhere, but they serve the part well. Importantly, as more was explained about them they seemed to fit in more and more, which I reflected how they're viewed in-universe as well. They drew their own sort of sympathy after a time.

My own 'headcanon' disagrees with a lot of the personalities put forth (Marisa being interested at all in a relationship, Sanae being so grumpy, etc.), but they weren't portrayed in a bad way, so it was fun reading your alternate takes on them.

Also, the OCs like Sakuya's father and the Yakuza were done well, filling obvious sorts of logic holes rather than shoving others out of the spotlight. And of course they make interesting foils, since they're just guys surrounded by things that are simply beyond them.

Disbelief could be properly suspended enough that it didn't interfere. And now the universe that you've made has become interesting enough in its own right that I'm interested to see where it goes.
Dead Pann chapter 2 . 11/11/2013
Dammit, stop trying to kill each other! Kids these days...
CybeastFalzar chapter 18 . 9/20/2013
Great ending to a great story. I loved this. Thank you so much...
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