Reviews for Moments In Time
justjoe chapter 73 . 7/11
Congrats for finishing such an outstanding experience! Truly a labor of love, written with extreme care and respect for the reader. Needless to say, thanks so much for sharing this wonderful tale.
fall shadow chapter 1 . 1/5
Great story and characters!
A Most Sovereign Lady chapter 73 . 12/27/2019
Long ago I read this when it was still new, under fifty chapters. I lost track of it back then and only added it to my watch list a few years ago. I lament that I was unable to keep up with it regularly, but here I have arrived as all others have at the end.

I love this story, this magnificent telling of a much beloved universe. It is most well told and very much in the spirit of the story we were told in the game it is derived from.

My absolutely favorite part of this sweeping epic, other than the glorious heartfelt tragedian love story within, was near the very beginning. When those few templars, who we all read, write and see as if not villains, antagonists, stood their ground against the impossible, because that is what knights do. They protect.

Well done, I am sorry I only read it in its aftermath.

Heavyarms150 chapter 4 . 9/10/2019
Its funny listening to leliana. Shes so blind. She even says that the blight is an affront to the maker which shows how little she uses her brain. In dragon age according to the chantry the maker created the blight. It was a result of tevintet magisters sure but it was his creation. Of course leliana like any religous person ignores the part condemming her god.
Karigan29 chapter 73 . 8/29/2019
I've read many fanfic stories over the years. Many of those stories are still unfinished. Every so often I'd check back in, just in case. How fraking happy was I to see that this story was completed. As an author I feel you've done an excellent job of capturing each characters voice. I also appreciated the notes at the end of each chapter. I gained much more insight into your characterizations. I started from the beginning of this story yesterday and just finished it tonight. Well done!
Whatsinaname221 chapter 7 . 7/30/2019
This chapter left me speechless.

I just discovered this fic the other day on a list of recs on tumblr and since it was complete, I was gonna leave an overall review at the end. But wow this chapter was amazing. You truly created an "Edge of Night" moment, literally giving me chills.

I really like that you showed some nuance in terms of the portrayal of Templars and those in the Chantry. As you say in the AN; most fics (and the game) tend to paint a somewhat black and white image of what the Templars are, but you really managed to portray that other side. I always thought that at least some of the Templars, especially some of those who guard the Chantries, must have been a bit more open minded. Truly amazing!
gldartt chapter 73 . 7/21/2019
Just reread this in time for the end. Fantastic story, deep characters and a lovely take on the game. Can't wait to see your Inquisition story continued.
natcvbrp chapter 73 . 7/15/2019
I’m wordless, and this is probably the hardest comment I’m ever going to write. I’ve been following this tale for years now, always impressed at how easily and knowingly you shifted between the characters’ voices, at how thoroughly you built not only this massive tale, but an entire universe of works that go well beyond filling the gaps between the games. When chapter 72 went up, I went back to chapter 1 and read it all again, along with Stolen Moments, and I wasn’t surprised to realize I was amazed and deeply entertained all over again.
It makes my bard-loving heart flutter to know that you have more content planned for Stolen Moments and Steadfast, and you can be sure I’ll be righ here, happily waiting to read more of your work. Thank you for all the effort you’ve put into Moments in Time!
KalenCaelli chapter 73 . 7/15/2019
It is so awesome to see you finish this story, my friend. It’s satisfying, no? You wrote one of the best damn stories I have ever read — you deserve some accolades for this one. The characterization is phenomenal, the plot line the storytelling engaging. You’ve done an amazing job and I love how this ended. Exactly how it should have. I look forward to many more years of writing.
Sphinksy chapter 73 . 7/14/2019
Thank you so much for having the determination to finish this. Multiple times I find fics with great potential, but that were unfortunately abandoned, so seing this one having a proper ending makes me happy.
I've been reading it for years and it was pure delight.
And you put my old nickname, Olho07, on the list! My first time on one of those XD

There are two scenes in Inquisition that I'm dying to read:

1- Talia meeting Leliana in the future in the quest "In Hushed Whipers". I want to see what's your take on that ruthless Leliana's feelings when meeting Talia.
2- Talia meeting Kieran.
haruka007 chapter 73 . 7/13/2019
So very happy to get to go on this ride with everyone. A great story, one I am very happy to have read. Thank you for sharing this with us. I look forward to more!
MorganB chapter 73 . 7/13/2019
My immediate reaction to this chapter was 'holy /fuck/' and please let me explain why.

I've been here (in other or no other names) since this fic was first published. With complete sincerity, this is my favorite Leliana/Warden story out there. I have no doubt it will /always/ be my favorite. Over the years I have read and re-read every chapter. Leliana was/is a character that is dear to me because she helped me identify things within myself that I never would've thought to realize or would've taken me much longer to realize.

That you brought so much love to her, her story, her thoughts, her feelings, her relationships with your writing means so much. Not to mention just how well written it was anyway. This includes the love you brought to the other characters too!

Thank you SO much for your hardwork and for the dedication. If I may request something? Please never take this work down. I often re-read this (and will probably do so again just now because now it's finished) like I would read a favorite book and would like to continue doing so.

With this final chapter, I cried. I cried for the journey, for Leliana and the warden, for the past, for the completion of this story, and hell even for you the author. In some form of second hand pride for seeing this monster of a work all the way to the end.

So yes, my immediate reaction was 'holy fuck' because everything hit me at once, especially since the work marked as 'COMPLETE.'

And if you need to hear it, you deserve a great rest! Enjoy the rest of your week/weekend!
Batomys2731 chapter 73 . 7/13/2019
The journey at last comes to an end. This was an amazing story from beginning to finish, and I'm almost sad that it has finally reached its end. A monumental undertaking this all was, and I am so grateful that you managed to pull it off. I wish there were more words I could add to express how amazing an adventure this thing was, but I cannot. It was simply too good to put into words.

Thank you for making such an amazing Dragon Age fanfic that was better than canon.
zenihua chapter 73 . 7/12/2019
Congrats for getting this done and thank you so much for completing this story. It was an awesome read: massive kudos!
XIIIshades-of-grey chapter 73 . 7/12/2019
I can't believe it's over... I have so many feelings.

First and foremost: thank you, thank you, a million times thank you for your story. For sticking with it even when it was overwhelming, and for being generous enough to share it with us. For years, every update has brought joy to my day, and for all my rereads, I've had so much happiness from this story just in general. I really see this story as DA canon at this point.

This isn't where I thought the epilogue would go, but it makes total sense for the overall story of the world. You still get character voice so right! I'm definitely excited to see where your other works go, and I'll be one of the first in line for that Inquisition fic.

Lastly, it means so much that you went through the trouble of thanking everybody who reviewed. I'm glad that we all got to take this ride with you - you're a class act and a top-tier writer! Here's to many more amazing years in Thedas (or wherever else your muse may lead)! Best wishes!
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