Reviews for Big Brother
Lucky Star chapter 2 . 7/5
I like this idea
Brown Betty chapter 2 . 4/23
Chargrills chapter 2 . 4/3
So good
Hazel Harvest chapter 2 . 4/23/2019
Aw, this is nice.
Guest chapter 1 . 7/1/2017
Dear ObabScribbler, if you are reading this then please listen closley, some of your Youtube videos for example your fanfic readings and comic dubs really made me smile but one thing bothers me and it's that you hang out with people who use profanity and language and obsessed with shipping and romance fanfics that will probably make children desperate for suicide, I'm telling the truth because i actually have tried to kill myself because of the whole ''romance/rule34/swearing'' thing. Seriously though, please read this and update or something because I need all of you bronies to understand, the internet is NOT just for adults who are obsessed of seeing things they see on Anime on MLP and make fanfics about it. You MUST remember that it IS for KIDS as well so please just listen for once. Besides, you were a kid who didn't like adult things yourself you know. So long review short, please change your romance fanfics and remove any thing that kids (and me) hate, that goes the same for some of your Youtube videos that involve certain things. I mean, don't you care for the children my British friend? Children will kill themselves if you carry on doing what you're doing. So I must ask you to read this review and think about all that children that may have already killed themselves because of everyone's inappropriate fanfic and update with an authour's note or a Youtube video saying why you keep doing this. Love another british guy who hates what bronies keep obsessing over.
Dbzgirl1011 chapter 1 . 8/16/2015
This is just about the best thing ever :D
Sexyvampire13 chapter 2 . 6/7/2015
So cute!
HermioneWeasley93 chapter 1 . 9/8/2014
I'm not really an AppleDash fan (I just don't see Applejack as gay though Dash's sexuality is definitely debatable), but this is a very well-written story. I like the peek into Big Mac's head.
truearthurfan chapter 1 . 1/3/2014
not quite what i expected, but cute.

kind makes that reading you did of Treating Her Right not make sense, though
mttmercado chapter 2 . 6/25/2013
that was a wonderful macintosh story. thought we were about to see some macintosh barebuns there, NOPE just smart macintosh knowing everything about farms and his family. great job.
Skunk292 chapter 2 . 6/21/2013
I need another chapter :/
SamCyberCat chapter 2 . 2/21/2013

This was so sweet and happy and wonderful! Definitely an ideal feel-good story. Big Mac is a great character to see the world from his point of view and you never fail to do a great job writing about him. :3
Save Fearow chapter 2 . 2/18/2013
Wow. I haven't read many Big Macintosh fics but congratulations for capturing him so well. He is a deeper, more intuitive stallion than even he realizes and I adore that he is simply so full of love and understanding towards Applejack and Rainbow Dash. Really all that matters to him is that a sister is happy with somepony who'll treat her the way she deserves. He's one of my favorite characters so it's great to see him play a starring role. (Not a fan of CheerileexMacintosh because it was forced on the two, and not an organic development the way an Apple family romance should be. So I also appreciate that you have him be confused, embarrassed, and slightly miffed at the experience. I don't think he interacts with her much but Fluttershy seems more his type, quiet and hard-working, or very possibly Twilight for the shared fondness of SmartyPants. Macintosh does not need -any- romance for this story to work, although I'm sure Granny Smith would argue that point.) Great job!
Almost an Actress chapter 2 . 2/18/2013
Rixao chapter 1 . 11/3/2012
While this may be the first story you have written for this series, I applaud your ability to capture the characterizations of everyone so perfectly, that I could genuinely imagine something such as this happening without a hitch. Big Macintosh isn't a character that is written very often, so to see a story that does revolve around a pairing while still keeping much of the action on a somewhat minor character is an interesting take. The actions and thoughts that the colt showed were ones I could easily imagine him doing, and his reaction to finding out about his sister's relationship with Rainbow Dash was believable and, might I say, quite touching. Whether or not you choose to write more about this series is up to you, but if you continue to write as well as you do, I believe you will create stories that reflect the same amount of care to the personalities of the characters.

- Write on, Languid Sea.
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