Reviews for Soulmates
Brianna chapter 1 . 1/6/2013
I want sheamus to be STRAIGHT not GAY!
Xmastreelites chapter 1 . 10/14/2012
I love, love this story! The sex scene is hot but not too detailed, which makes me want more details in a later installment ;) I love the "big tough guys can be fragile" theme. I like it all - not too sappy but loving. Just 2 things: 1. You HAVE to continue this story! 2. the age difference is a little odd with Sheamus turning 35 in January. I don't know, maybe explain how that worked? Cuz if they got together before Sheamus came to States, then Daniel would have been 18 at the oldest. But, the story itself - well-written, I just really like it.
S. Rune chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
That is so sad! You cannot leave it like this, a sequel please?