Reviews for Oz Never Did Give Nothing to the Tinman
Daryl chapter 2 . 5/30/2015
this chapter is so perfect especially the part where you're describing the end of the series.
Daryl chapter 1 . 5/30/2015
fun story :)
scifijoe chapter 1 . 3/9/2015
That was Fractured Fairy Tale; a la MS3K. I have a feeling Shego could read 'How to Install a Toilet' and would have gotten the same grief.
Mimic chapter 2 . 9/6/2013
"I can so boil water," Kim protested.
"He didn't say you couldn't," Shego told her in a soothing voice. "That one unfortunate incident was an accident, a fluke which could never happen again in a million years. It wasn't your fault... But let Ron make the tea."
"It's just boiling water and tea bags," Kim grumbled. "No permanent injury to anyone."

Kim possible made boiling water a weapon. Wait... it already is a weapon, you can kill people with it, gosh. Never let Kim near water in a pan ever again.

I grew up with Disney. Also, I discoreved that when I was a child, I had a thing for every Disney Princess (all of them), but was too young in a heteronormative world to realise. The boys where just boring to me. This is my teory: Disney can turn you gay by making you angry with so much heterosexuality, haha XD

But now there is Merida. While I think Brave is a weird not well done ripoff of Brother Bear, it could be an excellent story.

Btw I was writing about Alladin KP just yesterday... T-T

It's truly a shame KP didn't got her revenge. She is too good for that.

This story was greattt, I loved the fork spoon knife. If it was a reference, I didn't catch... *sigh*
The twins are treated like adults, this is a little weird to me, anyway, it's funny.

Kids, never believe adults! They're all liars!
noncynic chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
Nice read. Bit meandering, but if you, like kim, had trouble coming up with a 'revenge' story, understandable. Shego's comment about Disney a reflection of your own opinion, maybe? Shared, in any case.
A Markov chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
-Maybe I'll get a real lawyer to check
-I grew up on Disney
-not a story for three-year olds

I laughed a lot in this one.

(it was Laraine Day but you probably knew that.)

Jimmy1201 chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
If you want strong princess in your movie, you go to Studio Ghibli. I mean you don't get tougher that San in Princess Mononoke, she took a town full of people with guns with her dagger and wolf pack. At the end (if I remember correctly) she did sort of like the prince, but not enough to leave her wolves. Sort of a princess with benefits. Kiki's delivery service - when a young witch turns 13, she is expected to hit the road and find a place in the world. No sighing around the house waiting for a sparkly prince to come. Still, the Washington Post had a article of people who get hired to show up at birthday parties dressed as a Princess. (Better than a clown?) So somebody keeps cranking out this princess stuff. Surely it can't be genetic...
Invader Johnny chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
Why am I not surprised that Shego can turn an innocent fairy tale story into a sex one? LOL.

Invader Johnny Signing Off.
Mr. Wizard chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
Lots of stories covered there, though I don't see anyone making Will fully human. Probably not for three year olds. (Especially if they like it, it would be demanded over and over and over...)
List of Romantics chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
"I swear, if they had some series with a girl who was smart, independent, brave, and adventurous they'd probably hook her up with some schmuck at the end of the series just to show that brains and talent mean nothing to a girl unless she can get some guy to fawn all over."

BURN! Testify, Brother.

You pretty much nailed it with all of that Disney/Fairy Tale nonsense. Pixar's "Brave" kinda got it right, only the movie was a mess and poorly executed; not up to the stellar quality Pixar is known for.

Cary Grant... Sauve MoFo.
Guest chapter 2 . 4/27/2013
What the heck?
Guest chapter 1 . 4/27/2013
Fuck no!
noncynic chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
Very nicely twisted. Of course the problem with Kim's threats is she usually doesn't have the mean streak necessary to really carry through. WHich makes her the opposite of Shego, as usual, and know the rest. Good Read. Bad rambling(Me)
Mr. Wizard chapter 1 . 8/15/2012
As always, an exercise in delightful conversation, many voices flawlessly handled. And a nice blending of stories as well.
Sonicthehedgewolf chapter 1 . 8/14/2012
Rofl. I almost cracked a rib reading this. Well done.
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