Reviews for Come And Knock On Our Door
Guest chapter 21 . 5/7/2018
oh lord, is he pregnant too? He is an alien, after all, and he and Rory have done it before.
Jauseph chapter 20 . 8/22/2017

Just a review to say that I really, really immensely enjoyed your work. Its amazing how you expressed their infinite love for each other, even in kinky intercourse

Now that it's finished I'm mourning it! Thank you very much for your work!
smartass chapter 20 . 11/26/2016
you never end do you?
forallyourdoctorwhoneeds chapter 14 . 5/27/2015
Love the story to death! Been reading it since last night, trying so hard to get through it but i keep having to stop after a couple of chapters at the most to release some tension, and at the same time I don't want the story to end. My friend had sex all the way through her pregnancy to the point she literally had sex 2 hours before her water broke. Lol
fantasychica37 chapter 2 . 5/20/2015
Wait a minute... Due dates for library books? Is that angst on purpose?
fantasychica37 chapter 9 . 3/30/2015
You're brilliant! The Master is called today as well, add that is what the Time Lord Victorious, ask the Doctor's darker urges, would become like. It's so subtle- took me two readings to catch it- but you helped me understand what the Doctor could become if he isn't careful, through a sex scene!
tiddles chapter 20 . 11/5/2014
I will never be able to look at 11 the same way again..
riotcow chapter 19 . 2/8/2014
Wow. Hard to find words.

Superb fic. Beautifully written, lots of scalding hot sex, wonderful attention to detail, everyone so in character. You do your OT3 right.

I actually live in a triad. 6.5 years now, 2 kids conceived between the three of us. I have never read anything that describes the dynamics as closely as you do. I mean, it's not sexy-all-the-time like it is in your fic, but it's fic so that's part of the fun. But the romance, the sweetness, the practical stuff… thank you for capturing so many sides of a 3-partner relationship with such loving detail.

You're a wonderful writer and I'm glad that you've shared such high-quality, fun, romantic and hot stories with us.
Guest chapter 10 . 1/12/2014
This is lovely, read up to here between yesterday and today. Definitely liked b& c vs. a. and yes, I can attest that girls really can enjoy anal. Me personally I actually prefer it to vaginal.
P.A.W.07 chapter 1 . 12/29/2013
I totally have to read this ... though I'd like to point out that perhaps you should make the story picture for this public friendly. Your account would be removed for having nudity in the picture if the moderators found it.
hep89 chapter 19 . 11/27/2013
So I don't know about anyone else but I reeeaaallllyyyy want to see that scene with the Doctor and Rory in the library! Love the fic, it is wonderfully written you did a great job, I enjoy to see what you write next! Thank you!
- Hannah
ApprenticeofDoyle chapter 9 . 10/1/2013
OH. OH, despite how hot this was, this particular chapter was so...completely and utterly heartfelt. Oh. Amy and the Doctor particularly, I am...stunned. And maybe crying.
A lot?
Yes. I would say so.
It's so very very lovely and so very very heartbreaking.
Morbidlyartistic chapter 21 . 9/17/2013
I read this whole thing. This entire, lovely, amazing, perfect, in character story. I was incredibly surprised at how in character the doctor was and Amy and Rory. Like I was honestly reading something that could have happened in the show. And yes, I honestly think dr who was touching on a poly relationship. It was the first time the dr honestly did something domestic. And it was so right and the power of three episode I think put that in stone. I'm happy I found this story. It was excellent your writing is amazing. And it really helped the hurt I felt when rory and Amy were taken by the Angels. So thank you thank you thank you! :D
mrsdoctor chapter 17 . 5/24/2013
wow. ...when you said TARDIS sex i didnt know you actually meant they had sex with the TARDIS...
Geneivere StarryEyes chapter 1 . 5/19/2013
Geez and ages - hot, nice. I like how you handled Amy. The Doctor was great.
Look everything was great :)
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