Reviews for Almost
Sam 'Dimples' Swarek chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
Excellent well done
katesari chapter 1 . 8/24/2012
I dont think they will. But I hope they do.
Just saw the latest episode 03x11, Sam was a little aggressive in his actions. He's hurting alright even though he's the one that walked away. Hope he screws his head on straight and makes sure that we don't have to wait those 9 months. Like what you wrote! Bye
Moved2AO3 chapter 1 . 8/20/2012
Great story. It was the best and worst emotional episode ever! I really hope they fix things before the season ends. It's too much!
linda p chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
You have shown us the real Sam. You are correct in saying that what he did was brutal. I don't think there will be a reconnection anytime soon. You know how every show's writers put off connecting the obvious for seasons. For example Castle. I still love the show and wouldn't miss it for the world, but I gave up waiting on that to happen. Well finally I think it is happening. She has finally got down off her high horse. But I am no longer that excited about it. I think the writers are trying to correct their mistake of getting mcswarek together to soon. I thought it was clever to get them together when they did. But anyway I am broken hearted over it. This probably doesn't make any sense
rbfan624 chapter 1 . 8/18/2012
Very good. It was very sad though, but everything about that situation is sad. I really liked the part about Jerry giving him the scotch and that they would drink it before Sam/Andy's wedding.
kmart92 chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
God, it's so depressing. I spent basically the entire episode in tears or teetering on the edge, before walking around the house like a zombie, trying to process everything and vainly pretend like it never happened. And then I read this, and as amazing as it is, I hate sadness. But please publish again soon, I love your writing and can't wait for more!
blueskittlez chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
FANTASTIC JOB! i completely agree with you! i honest to god yelled "screw you sam" when he got in his car, so much for fighting for it. :( anyways i loved your story, the focas on "almost" was amazing and beautifully written. all the doubts that i'm sure were going through sam's head written down so elequently was really heart wrenching to read. all the close calls, and what if's that are haunting him are just so horrific. i love getting into the characters head's and so i of course loved this XD
Guest chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
Thanks for writing that. I too am trying to process tonights episode. Sam actions were abosuletly grief. It was the grief talking. not Sam. I just hope Andy realizes that and is able to forgive him when he snaps back to reality...
PrincessK16 chapter 1 . 8/17/2012
You just teared up? I was crying like how traci was crying. Omg so sad. I mean, I am only a teenager and very hormonal.

Anyways, this was great. Loved how you incorporated almost into every part of the break up. I empathized with your portrayal of the characters a lot. Amazing job! Are you continuing this? Please do!
vixenali chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
I love dialogue and the use of almost, which yes can be a powerful word. The part of Jerry telling Sam they'll drink the bottle of scotch the night before his wedding with Andy made me smile huge! It was sad for Sam and Andy, but he's hurting very deeply and needs to deal with it, but hopefully before it's not too late! They love each other dearly and I honestly cannot see them with anyone else. Great one-shot :)
jimi18 chapter 1 . 8/16/2012
That was great. I haven't seen the episode as season 3 hasn't started here yet. That was excellently written