Reviews for Riders on the Storm
Guest chapter 16 . 2/16
How this chapter ended touched me to the very core. That’s love at its purest. Yes, I’m in tears.
TwiShy48 chapter 1 . 7/13/2019
I don't even really read fanfiction anymore but a couple times a year I HAVE to reread this series. I get it in my head and can't get rid of it. So on the off chance that you might still check in just know almost a decade later your fics are still killing it!
Marymary123 chapter 34 . 5/24/2019
Reading this again is this the 4th time? I love this chapter so very funny. I needed it.
BellaTesoro chapter 56 . 11/7/2018
Well this looks like 'it' for me. I've read all there is of your Storm series and the outtakes. I've left you my thanks along each chapter in lieu of a standing ovation. You brilliantly brought this mob family to life, so much so I feel like I know them. I'm Italian so a lot of the big family stuff rang so true. Not being in 'the thing' I have no idea what that would be like but you made it all real and I loved these characters and hated them. Shows that you are a wonderful writer to make us feel so strongly for good and bad for these characters. I loved them, all of them. I loved their flaws because they weren't perfect but they loved in the best of ways. Family.
I hope you are doing well and that you are continuing to write, you are so gifted.
BellaTesoro chapter 54 . 11/7/2018
What a fun future take! Never bet against Bebella, she knew how to get her son home because he's like his dad...Very clever...My Destiny...The kids are adorable and very similar to and like mirror images of Bella and Edward. The Skip was awesome knowing right away that it was Maggie under those glasses and Carlisle making an ass of his old self and The Skip pranking his son.
Oh can't you keep gifting us these future takes?! I'm going to miss this bunch. You are such a gifted writer.
BellaTesoro chapter 53 . 11/7/2018
Kylie's wedding reminded me that Maggie never got her wedding day. But I guess she and Santino didn't mind. I'm so happy that Edward and Bella got to have a least one big wedding because there is nothing like an Italian family wedding and put The Skip and Bebella's crew and it's just do damn funny. Edward was awesome with his daddy tears and Little Sonny stole the show and omg Maggie's boob leaking and puke on Santino's funny. I'm happy everyone seems to have gotten their HEA. I'm still sad that Jasper had to end up being disloyal the Edward and Sonny. Why would he think he could get away with that? It doesn't make sense. Oh well.
I see there are more chapters but if this ended like this, I would be more than satisfied. Wonderful ending and I'm going to miss this crazy family.
BellaTesoro chapter 52 . 11/7/2018
Was Damion the Godfather after all? And was Kylie the Godmother of Little Sonny?! Did Maggie's family join in and at least see their grandchild? What happened to Maggie's little sister? Everyone so happy, bumbling together to get to the sweet. And Kylie telling us they'd all get their HEA. I'm a little disappointed in them having to take out Jasper. I mean, he was such a good little soldier for Edward all these years and they were there from the beginning, but better him than Aro I guess. idk, that upset me. I felt for Alice, she was Bella's best buddy back in the day and they were all family. Oh, I guess it shows how ruthless these people are even in between how sweet and loving they are to immediate family anyway.
BellaTesoro chapter 51 . 11/6/2018
I can not figure out how you've continued to weave these family and their personalities so perfectly for the mob family that they are. Beneath it all, as Edward has tried to tell Damion in this chapter, beneath all the times he messed up as a father when he was out playing the part of The Skip, his family was always the heart of him and he tried the best he could. And I think Damion here is saying yes, he knows his father may have tried his best but here he is, still doing things like taking Coke even after he beat the shit out of Sonny for doing the same thing...Damion just knows that his father can't be any more than he is and that he's paid the price for all that. He's so torn. I don't know how you did it, made these characters so 'real' and we just get them. Brillant.
BellaTesoro chapter 50 . 11/6/2018
Bella's inner thoughts in the beginning of this chapter laid out in summary just who Bebella and Edward are and the life they've created, the good and the bad. And she's still so passionately in love with The Skip. I think it was perfect that they left and wanted to be with the kids and drove all that way to the Hampton's. I was pissed at Edward doing coke and offering it to Bella. And here he is with a kid who became addicted and yet this grown ass man is still relying on coke to get him through a long driving trip. I'm glad Bella threw it out the window on him. He's going to be with his kids that he just got through saying he loves so much and he's going to be messed up from the coke?! Oh Skip. How are you going to relate and deal with your messed up kid Damion if you are messed up yourself?
I felt for the two of them when they were wondering how hurtful Damion is to them, they think he hates them and he doesn't.
BellaTesoro chapter 49 . 11/6/2018
Kylie and Jordan's interactions rang so true. Kylie would be jealous of Jordan taking her brother from them as she has been. Kylie's got mixed feelings about that I think. Jordan is good for him yet to be good for him, she'd be pulling him away from the family as they focus on school and themselves. I wonder how Damion is going to take Jordan not all that comfortable being around them. At least she came, that was so big. Sonny pulling off the 'test' his father put him in was awesome. Sonny is awesome. I think, I like Sonny even more than I do Edward. Ok I said it. lol
Ed Sr. busting Carlisle's balls is hilarious.
BellaTesoro chapter 48 . 11/5/2018
Another wonderful chapter! Damion taking control and helping the family and understanding that it was ok for Jordan to decide for herself that she needed to stay while he went and helped his family. And I loved Damion feeling part of all of them and Kylie loving her brother so much and saying and doing all the right things to remind Damey-bear that he belonged and was loved and accepted. Oh it was so heartwarming after all that he's been through to be wanted like this. And then Edward calling to check on them and Damion couldn't help but be snarky to his dad about how he wasn't there for them then and that he's not now with Sonny. Although that's a bit right but mostly wrong in that Edward wouldn't have left his family if he thought Sonny couldn't cut it hurt that father and son still have issues. But at least the brothers have made peace. And Sonny sending Jordan to Damion was so nice. I guess Edward has to eat his words about her. Hot lemon, nice going Cara and Lexi. You both are rock stars!
BellaTesoro chapter 47 . 11/5/2018
There was something very exciting about Carlisle having that heart to heart with his nephew Sonny about how much his father and in turn I believe Aro and Carlisle trust Sonny is ready to start making these big decisions and prove he's ready to be the Little Skip. Sonny really stepped up to the plate so far, being all prideful and yet confident that he's got this. I loved how he called Dame in and he came ASAP just like his brother asked and that Dame was so appreciative to be given this clean slate and honored that Sonny would trust him to take care of the most valuable of their assets, his wife and little Kylie. I'm so glad Maggie didn't give Sonny any grief over this, he truly does need a clear head to bring all this to a good conclusion. Very exciting.
BellaTesoro chapter 46 . 11/4/2018
Damion's heartfelt insight into how he feels about Sonny and his family was so open and honest and so good for him to be able to honestly get that out to Jordan. I think those two just might really be good together. The ham scene was priceless and Edward's involvement even more so. Loved this chapter. Damion is going to be ok. It's like that creepy time in his life wasn't so bad after all.
BellaTesoro chapter 45 . 11/4/2018
Again, they are all assuming Damion responds to beatings to knock some sense in him but sadly, Damion isn't like Sonny or Carlisle and beating the shit out of him isn't going to straighten him out. He's got some serious issues that they all seem to understand, like when Edward whispered to Sonny that he's afraid he's going to lose Sonny's affections, that Sonny was like a father to him when Edward wasn't there and so he's got a lot of broken parts and he's jealous of the dynamic he sees between his father and Sonny, woman and Sonny and on and on...all he wants is to be loved and accepted and left alone...they need to leave him alone and making him deal with Amelia is not going to end well and it's on Sonny if that's the case.
BellaTesoro chapter 44 . 11/4/2018
I agree with The Skip about leaving Damion out of this thing with Amelia. And yes Sonny's instincts are probably right on but Damion didn't cause Amelia to go all Fatal Attraction towards the family. I think Aro's idea of just calling her father and laying it all out there so there wouldn't be any confusion about what's what. What did Edward mean that he had to get Sonny out of something? Was he meaning the Coke thing?
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