Reviews for Going Home
Wanda chapter 2 . 2/7/2018
Great shorts. I like how you tied both shows together. They melded nicely. Thanks :-)
Ultrawoman chapter 2 . 10/10/2012
Nice staging for a fic - two naked people, in a stable, post-coitus ('cause I can do poncy Latin just as well as Linny sometimes) - its all about being classy ;)

It makes sense for Eliot to tell Aimee that Lindsey is dead. For everyone's safety. I do get it, but its also very sad :(

Your Supernatural quote? I had no idea since I never watched it, but it is an awesome line. I dunno why, just made me grin! :D I did get the paraphrase from The Homecoming Job though, about not looking a woman in the eye when you lie and all that. Nice reference.

And thats it, I read all of your McDonald Boys 'verse ('cept for the angsty one and the multiple crossovery one, the first 'cause I don't really wanna if I'm honest, and the second because I don't watch any of the other shows - sorry!) and now there is no more. Now I feel ready to put you on my alert list because I'm up to date and can read anything new you post for this 'verse *not so subtle hint!* ;)

You're awesome, mate, and I'm only sorry that you will now feel the need to reply to my squillions of reviews. You REALLY don't have to, I won't mind, I swear.

Ultrawoman chapter 1 . 10/10/2012
Aimee and Lindsey. Huh. Its weird how I hadn't really thought about them being friends, not until 'Distinctive' when she was the only one who could tell the twins apart besides their parents. I like that, that they were friends, regardless of what did or didn't happen with her and Eliot :) (Btw, so should'e mentioned on that review - I love that Eliot got the 'distinctive' thing from his Daddy!)

Lindsey's missing hand was always gonna be a shock for Aimee. I'm glad she was understanding but not pitying. Its what he needed there and then. She was good about his job stuff too.

Nice memory on the Uncle Randy thing - totally didn't get that! I did get the Carnival Job paraphrase thought. Good job with that. You are very smart, mate :)

whovian42 chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
Good one. I could see the conversation in my mind's eye as I was reading.

"He shrugs, says nothing. He lets his body language tell the lie. "
That is a perfect description of Eliot's grifting system.

And, yeah, Lindsey would NOT want anyone to be able to reanimate him, IMO.

*grins* Yeah, creepy, but more just writerish... Some of my late-night story-plotting would horrify most of the people I know!
Harm Marie chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
Liked this.
LucidKren chapter 2 . 8/22/2012
I liked this. Great work! And yes, I'd imagine Linny as a salt'n'burn kinda guy.
LucidKren chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
:) I liked this. It's written very well. I thought the line about Eliot having an Oedipal complex very amusing (and I also imagined what would happen to Lindsey if Eliot was able to read minds).

Great work!
Harm Marie chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
liked this.
whovian42 chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
He makes a face. "Fine. I'll sue him for emotional distress and damage. How 'bout that?"

"Because his name coming from his brother's ex-girlfriend's mouth sounds exactly like it did when Lindsey did something wrong and their mama was about to call him out on it."

That was lovely and angsty!
I do like Aimee - I liked her in the episode the moment she made that 'one foot out the door' comment.