Reviews for Exploration
stories4ever chapter 1 . 4/2/2013
This so twisted, and ... I loved it!
black59 chapter 1 . 2/27/2013
this is a dream like awakening
PCJanto chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
9Fantastic,Fantastic ..I Love It
Lady Emma Wentworth chapter 1 . 9/9/2012
Best porn EVER! I absolutely love this! It's hysterical, sweet, tender - perfect.
Monocerosik chapter 1 . 9/3/2012
I kinda feel weird for enjoing this, you know? But it wasn't bad, the idea was original, wow, brilliant, and the last line was sooooo Jack. Still... mixed feelings. That's good! That's very good, with ideas and such a wonderful writing style I see more great and definitely unforgettable fics. ;)
jekyllhj7 chapter 1 . 8/21/2012
Ummmm... okay... yeah.

Is it bad that I liked this?