Reviews for Point Me
Ronny chapter 6 . 3/8/2014
Wow this story does not have the reviews it deserves. When I first read it I knew it hadn't been update in awhile but its so rare to find a good Sherlock/Harry Potter crossover. Most of them are badly written and so out of character its unbearable. Good isn't the right word actually I think Brilliant more sums this story up so far. I don't normally review stuff Unless I think there is real Potential in a story So I really hope you keep going with it.
FudoTwin17 chapter 6 . 2/4/2014
SCDFVGHNB MJK,KJHBGFGHJNMBVCDTYJK,MNBVCFTYUJMNB VCXD! Pls update. If u do, i promise to do a ligitamate critique instead of mindless spaming! Luv it! :)
rabbit keys chapter 6 . 11/30/2013
aslhglasdkgj good chapter. :)
Grac3 chapter 6 . 11/23/2013
Ooh, Animagus! Interesting...
llivend chapter 5 . 8/8/2013
you have A great story running :D and id really appreciate it if you would update please
Grac3 chapter 5 . 7/31/2013
This is an amazing story! What is 'M' up to? Can't wait to find out what happens.
Bloodie Indy chapter 4 . 6/21/2013
I enjoy this very much. Sorry, I suck at reviews. Can't wait till the next update.
Akua chapter 3 . 3/24/2013
This is amazing! I liked the characterizations you made and the way you integrated Harry Potter and Sherlock universes. I can't wait to see what happens next with John and Sherlock. Your Moriarty sounds like he has big plans.
WhisperingFantasies chapter 3 . 3/24/2013
I really like this! Everything seems to fit, somehow. Can't wait for the next upload!
WaffleNinja chapter 3 . 3/13/2013
Just wanted to let you know that I'm following this story on AO3, as QuarterQuell. So I'll annoy you with my raving comments there, instead. xD
listless27 chapter 2 . 3/8/2013
wow! so great! please please please continue on this. its wonderful, the blend is just awesome, fantastic, amazing. :D
SaytoThat chapter 2 . 12/19/2012
Oh wow! Please do write more- this is quite exellent, and just what I was looking for with these two particular fandoms. The characterization is very well done, and it seems like a solid storyline is in the works. More please!
Kickero chapter 2 . 11/29/2012
This is a very interesting story you've written. I cannot wait to read more. Perhaps add a bit more Snape? He was always my favorite teacher character. Also, is John a muggle or a wizard? I assumed he was a wizard. Also, will Mycroft be making an appearance? I would hate to be the Minister of Magic and have to deal with Sherlock's brother. I hope you will update soon.
WaffleNinja chapter 2 . 10/27/2012
Thanks so much for adding another chapter! I was worried that this story was going to fade into unfinished obscurity, but I am extremely glad to be proven wrong in this case. I think you've placed the boys in a good part in the timeline, because while they will be integrated into the Wizarding World, they won't be bumping into Harry and the gang every five minutes, which could have been disastrous. I love how you've made Sherlock dedicated to finding a cure for John, yet you've still got the same skill with angst that you did in the first chapter. I am absolutely flabbergasted that there are so few people reviewing/following this story, because this deserves to be read by any Sherlock fan.

Anyway, please, please write more! I think I'm a little obsessed, actually. xD
Fervour chapter 1 . 9/28/2012
Incredible. Absolutely loved how you did the friendly Johnlock (I'm not one for the lovey-dovey fics; I had deemed them quite unrealistic in terms of Sherlock's character. I don't question the sexual tension between them though). John is incredibly Remus here, and Sherlock is like a highly competent, intelligent Sirius of the story.

The story bridges between the first war and the start of the first book, I should think. I now have a headcannon that John was a healer from St. Mungos, but was sent out to the field during the war. Some bloody werewolf takes a bite out of him, and now he's out of work and out of a home. Then Sherlock finds him.

Thanks for writing, it is truly an incredible piece of fiction.
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