Reviews for Agent Potter
Talonwalker chapter 25 . 7/26
Great Story!
Borg chapter 5 . 7/22
Utter crap
Atomic01 chapter 3 . 7/19
I'm liking the story, it's quite fun. But you really need to pay attention to the basics. Things like silly spelling mistakes, grammar, and research points. For example, if you're going to name a real person, at least check the spelling of the name - it's Queen Elizabeth, with a Z, not Elisabeth. Basic stuff which detracts from what is a quite enjoyable story. Maybe get yourself a good beta for things like that.
OrdealOfMc chapter 10 . 7/5
I stopped linking this story for the simple fact that the whole ritual chapter is shit and full of plotholes. The Agents know where ritual will be, what ingredients will be used and when it will happen. They didn't wait at the outskirts of the Graveyard. They didn't transfigure Bones of The Father from cyanide or something similar. They did let Voldemort get resurrected, instead of stunning him in his baby form, feeding him a drough of Living Dead, imprison him, interrogate him with Legilimency while he's unconscious for the rest of his horcruxes...
dawnsfire chapter 19 . 6/25
Poor Hermione! She's likely to become the next equivalent of Moneypenny.
Matt chapter 17 . 6/22
"they needed to decimate the numbers of their opponents"
They need to do more than that. Decimate means to reduce by ten per cent. They want to reduce their opponents a lot more than ten per cent. They want to reduce them by ninety per cent or more.
Matt chapter 7 . 6/22
Why do your MI6 people keep subtracting things instead of figuring them out? The word is deduce, not deduct! Get a clue.
Matt chapter 5 . 6/22
"his high moral codex"
A codex is a book. What you were looking for is just his moral code.
Matt chapter 4 . 6/22
Rabastan Lestrange, not Rastaban.
Matt chapter 3 . 6/22
"the teachers weren't able to deduct"
deduct means to subtract, as in math. The word you wanted is deduce, to figure out.
IIIFawkesIII chapter 15 . 6/21
Disclaimer: This is a negative review and a personal opinion. You may enjoy this story but I have not.

This story is boring, plain and does not seem to have a main plot. With voldemort as good as neutralised with little effort, I do not see any ultimate goal to achieve or how you plan to end this. There is no excitement, no thrill of action and no drama of emotion. Your idea of crossover with MI6 seemed interesting which is the only reason I have read this far. But the last straw is gone when Harry shared his whole life with Buffy, a person he was meeting for the first time.

An agent does not just share his whole life, specially with a person he is meeting for the first time. It just is not done, their personal life is supposed to be kept secret even from fellow agents let alone an outsider freelance associate.

Even though your idea of crossover with James bond and Buffy the Vampire slayer seems fun, your storytelling is not.

I am sorry but it really was not fun to read. Good day and adios.
NotAPenguin chapter 1 . 5/12
Perfect... Fucking perfect
HarryPotterFangirl85 chapter 25 . 5/5
Well, I enjoyed this and now I’m gonna have to see if I can find a sequel. At least you didn’t leave it on a cliffhanger, so I won’t be completely disappointed if I can’t find a completed sequel.
NulledVoid chapter 1 . 5/2
NulledVoid chapter 25 . 4/7
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