Reviews for George Weasley and the Computational Error
A chapter 23 . 5/1
Wow. That was very good.
Amu4ever chapter 15 . 3/4
There was actually something on the chapter I really wanted to comment, but I was distracted in the middle of thinking about it by a text message and now I just can't remember what it was. *shrug*

Anyway, great chapter. I really like the way you portray Sirius, he is very likeable and realistic. Though I do wonder about his relatively sane mind compared to canon. Did the two years truly make such a huge difference?

Oh and no "scarring" on Harry from the Dursleys? He was neglected and emotionally abused. That leaves deeper scars than a whip ever could. Though wouldn't put it past Vernon to do that either. J. did describe him as that kind of guy.

Though then again I guess you meant there were no apparent belt imprints on his body or George simply didn't think about it too deeply or wanted to tell Sirus too much at that moment.

Well, thanks for the chapter, gave me a lot to think about and I really did enjoy reading it. :-)
Amu4ever chapter 10 . 3/4
Huh. I feel like Geroge is really fixated on his younger selves being in the loop. Considering they are eleven it would probably be better if he censored it a bit, preventing their innocence to be lost. Though not the way Harry was kept out of the loop as he was in the middle of it anyway, due to being the Horcrux, but George just just help the Headmaster out and prevent Freds and a lot of other deaths from afar. I mean they are elven and see only good and evil and no in-between.

Great chapter again. :-)
Razorling chapter 25 . 6/28/2019
Oh I love this fic so much :)
The end was quite sad, but still it gave me hope, I liked it all and the last line was heartbreaking in a good way.

Thank you for writing it and sharing it with us!
Mr Foreman chapter 24 . 5/8/2019
Was the kid asking the hat if he was awere of being awere a reference to HPMoR?
Guest chapter 2 . 4/25/2019
To shrink his what, exactly?
TheLoud chapter 25 . 3/12/2019
Wow. This story is like a Rube Goldberg device drawn by M.C. Escher. I love how convoluted it is! I’m off to check out your other stories.
TheLoud chapter 17 . 3/12/2019
This started off as a silly little romp, but it’s metamorphosing into a magnificently complicated epic. Very enjoyable either way.
TheLoud chapter 7 . 3/12/2019
Huh, your Marauders gave a much more serious test than I would have expected from them. Maybe just because when I wrote a similar scene for my canon-compliant, time-travel-free story about wee ickle firsties Fred and George, my Marauders were goofier. Different interpretations are cool of course.
TheLoud chapter 6 . 3/12/2019
What a sweet backstory for the Fat Lady.
TheLoud chapter 4 . 3/12/2019
Hey, and you’re a HPMOR fan! Nice references.
TheLoud chapter 2 . 3/12/2019
This is delightful! You really capture that Fred and George feeling. I love that the creator is bad at math!
MrsH chapter 23 . 1/11/2019
Thanks for sharing your entertaining and original story. Loved it!
Abbie chapter 23 . 10/8/2018
Eff Ewe. I made it this far without crying and you've wrecked it. I love you.
hule chapter 23 . 6/1/2018
Thank you so much for the story.
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