Reviews for A New Day
CitrusBird386 chapter 20 . 5h
The balls and the nerve of you to have such great writing with such great character development and arcs and very good subplots AND the family dynamic of Lee, Carley and Clementine and you have the nerve to STOP? you are one of the most evil human beings on this planet to have ever walked the earth. Here's to hoping you somehow resurrect yourself and continue
Lemonisamood chapter 20 . 5/2
Hey,i love you're fanfiction its been 7 years (Lol im nit good at math) since you're not uploading.. your fanfic i hope you finish it as soon as sorry for my crappy ass english umm anyways love you :)
TheDarkKnight876 chapter 20 . 5/6/2019
Just finished Chapter 20. And my god, this story was fantastic! It’s so close to canon yet I like how you throw in your own take as it really makes the story more interesting! I’ve noticed you’ve been gone since 2014, I hope you’ll think about continuing this one day. Honestly, I might think you don’t exist anymore, lol. Great story anyways!
TheDowns97 chapter 20 . 12/27/2018
This is an amazing story so far. It has really expanded on the Carley/Lee relationship immensely without making it too overbearing of a factor in the story, although I feel as the story comes closer to an end that relationship should probably receive just as much attention as the issue of finding Clem later on. I really wish that this story could be continued. I would even be willing to help in ensuring that it is finished.
Guest chapter 1 . 9/21/2018
amazing story
Guest chapter 20 . 9/16/2018
While I would've liked to see a continuation of this, the chapters that you did make are pretty great, I really love the story, nice work.
Flukester chapter 20 . 9/15/2018
This is the best story I have ever read about TWD. I really enjoyed reading all of it, its perfect. And I'm not much of a person who reads books at all ha ha. I loved this story, and its exactly the way I wished telltale would've taken in their game. I always felt telltale missed a huge opportunity with the way they did their games.

Carley gave lee hope, she was someone who he cared about and trusted with Clem. She was someone who sympathized with his past and helped him open up to his past with the group. She was someone who Lee looked forward to seeing everyday.

I'm only on chapter 13, but I realized you haven't updated this for a while. If you're still active on here, I would love to see you finish this story off a happy ending as well with same of amazing detail you put into it. This is the best story I have read in years.
Guest chapter 20 . 9/6/2018
I know this is late:
You piece of ass, this is a good story and you stop?! Please continue with this or else.
Guest chapter 20 . 6/1/2018
You just HAD to top writing at THIS point. Whhhhyy whhyyyyyyyyyyyy such cruelness?
DareToDanChan chapter 20 . 10/1/2017
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE carry this on! I've spent nights staying up reading this on my phone after playing through The Walking Dead again, and it's painful seeing such a great story with great writing almost go to waste like this with the 'ending' it has currently. I feel like it needs closure, good or bad.

I don't know if it's lack of motivation, time, you simply forgot or whatever. It has been 3 years since the last update, so i'm very doubtful of a return, also doubtful you'll even read this with so much time gone by. But I am more than willing to help if you need some motivation, ideas, writing or anything.

An update to this story would mean a lot for a lot of people who read this, 944 reviews and 399 favs doesn't come by coincidence you know ;)

As you said on your last chapter, "I'm back, excited to finish this and eager to hear all your reviews."
Guest chapter 20 . 8/15/2017
Are you going to keep doing more
Guest chapter 7 . 6/2/2017
I'm not gonna lie, I LOVE READING THIS!
Abonimo chapter 20 . 4/11/2017
Y la continuación?
Frost chapter 20 . 2/1/2017
This is so great. I was so depressed about Carley's death in the game that I couldn't function normally in my workplace. Thank you for giving justice to this character that I love. I can now play the season 2 of the game knowing that in another world, Carley was given justice. I know it's a long shot but I hope you'd finish this, you have my support. :)
Guest chapter 20 . 9/28/2016
:( it's been so long since you updated
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