Reviews for Game On
ColMikeFuser chapter 5 . 10/5/2015
Good read so far. Well-paced.
Guest chapter 10 . 2/15/2015
Annabeth-TheTributeThatLived chapter 9 . 7/23/2014
The three finger salute is supposed to be exclusively District 12. The only reason they used it in D11 at the Victory Tour was because Katniss did it for Rue.
primjay10 chapter 13 . 12/2/2012
I really enjoyed this fic and look forward to the sequel
Keep writing XD
Guest chapter 13 . 11/24/2012
hello this was really awesome! by the way, good for you for using names from the uglies series. tally and shay! like it :)
julie662 chapter 12 . 11/6/2012
are you still going to write a sequel to this story i love the pairing and your storyline
Cairn Destop chapter 12 . 11/4/2012
In a way, the sudden ending disappointed. I kept expecting a long drawn out battle or some unexpected trick. The thought that she had to get to the cliff gave me the thought that she had something sneaky prepared.

One very good thing about the closing was Wiress's reaction to the death. I think this was her only up close and personal killing. Her other victory came from a trap. She could deceive herself about that horror, but strangling another cannot be ignored.

I don't know how you intend handling the Quarter Quell since it is in the books. Of course, we don't know who will be winning the 74th Hunger Game in your universe. I'll keep an eye out for the story, unless you say otherwise.

No SPAG, just editorial comments for your consideration.

1 - but the doctor smiles and says - nothing wrong. Just a suggestion that the last two words be eliminated as redundant since the dialogue follows.

2 - Or so I thought. - Yeah, I know why you included it, but I do believe this kills the ending of your story. Your author notes are sufficient to let your readers know that another story is coming. I liked that and intend using it in my Vermin Badger "novels."
KTstoriesandstuff chapter 12 . 11/4/2012
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw :) YAY! The ending is so sweet and cute :D :D :D :D YAY! And you captured her thoughts well - that she was glad she survived but was guilty for the price others paid. And aaaaaaaw :)
Pyralspite chapter 11 . 10/27/2012
adfghjkl; i didnt notice how many chapters ive read until it came to the last one...
amazing story,
wiress/beetee is amazing
i will go down with this shippppp
Pyralspite chapter 3 . 10/27/2012
adfghjkl; peeta's aunt...
is that why his mother is so bitter?
Cairn Destop chapter 11 . 10/27/2012
A good chapter, though I do think it's way too short. There could be a little more suspense introduced as she tries evading the others. Though it isn't important, the death of another tribute raises the question about the second bomb. Did it kill him? If so, she is once again without some form of protection. That should be concerning our main character.

Just a few things I'll note:

1 - that only four of us are left - a nice way of giving us an update without belaboring the point. Well done.

2 - Then… I wait. - Then … I wait. (makes it one sentence instead of a hanging word - then)

3 - A nice bed, with - no comma
Cairn Destop chapter 10 . 10/23/2012
Methinks I'm a bit too old to twitter. Have troubles enough figuring out how to operate on the internet. A nice run here and one that has our main character doing something to enhance her chances of survival. I'm amused she still has a reluctance to kill, after everything that has happened to her. If it is possible, it would be nice reminded of how many tributes remain, and which ones. Nothing elaborate, just something for those memory impaired.
KTstoriesandstuff chapter 10 . 10/21/2012
Yay! Another good chapter :)
KTstoriesandstuff chapter 9 . 10/14/2012
Dun dun... nice story so far! Can't wait to see what she has planned.
Cairn Destop chapter 9 . 10/13/2012
It's been a while since I've seen a chapter from you. Looks like you've been doing a lot of work on this one and it shows. I thought the idea of the two separating was necessary, but still sad. Wiress shows a lot of maturity when she realizes anger will not help. Her compassion comes through at the time her district partner dies. If I had to make any complaints, it's the gift. It seems too providential providing the bomb components. Makes the fight results almost pre-ordained. Will be curious to see what twist you'll put in the next battle.
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