Reviews for Undoubtedly Yours
707 Cx chapter 1 . 10/3/2017
Many lovely scenes. Really wished this was longer but that ending is worth not regreting.
yizhuoscapes chapter 1 . 6/6/2016
This is so cute and sweet like super duper ultra mega to the max.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/6/2016
QuickSilver1801 chapter 1 . 1/22/2016
Ok, first of all, great story! I loved the plot! And I get what you mean when you said it's unbetaed. The story is still awesome! But there were a LOT of grammar mistakes and as the grammar-nazi that I am, some of your sentences made me cringe because either the verb tenses didn't match or you skipped over a word that should have been there.

This is just honest criticism! I'm not flaming you or anything! I truly enjoyed this story and I am a total AoKuro fan and the concept is amazing.

I am willing to help beta this story for you if you want me to. Like I said before, I really liked this story and I feel like more people would enjoy it if the grammar mistakes are fixed. If you want me to help you fix them either PM me or email me! I would hate to see this story lose viewers and favorites just because of the grammar.

Great fic though! Keep writing and I'm sure you'll improve! You've already got a great grip on the concept and plot! The story wasn't paced too quickly like some amateur writers are prone to do.

Quixling chapter 1 . 10/16/2014
It's so cute :3
FuyuShirotsuki chapter 1 . 10/22/2013
Love it. Can't explain all of these emotions, it's just amazing.
innocence-creator chapter 1 . 6/25/2013
So cute!
Is there a sequel?!
shironeko-hime chapter 1 . 5/11/2013
love it..! :D so sweet... hehehe.. :D wish there was a sequel... 3
Guest chapter 1 . 4/12/2013
OMG This is so cute! 3
Esperanz chapter 1 . 2/6/2013
I liked it a lot, and though at first when I was around half way through I thought the ending was a bit rushed...I quite liked the scene at the end, it was really sweet and just toooo ccuuuuuttteeeeeee! I wonder how they will spend Kuroko's birthday...that is if Aomine knows when it is on time...
pikachu2510 chapter 1 . 1/11/2013
KYAAAAA! soooo fudging kawaiii! 3OMFG i LOVED it... the whole time i was readin this i was like"NOOOO dont b over yet! ." even though i hated the thought of Tetsu being a girl in this pair, i thought this was really well written. i was hoping 2 c Tetsu meet Daiki's mother though, it seems like it would have been interestin :D also somewhere in the story i thought/hoping Tetsu would tell Daiki bout how they met the 1st time... i wanted 2 c Daiki's reaction 2 that XD...this story was spectacular! n i really hope u write more stories bout this couple. juss ABSOLUTELY. FUDGING. WONDERFUL!

LiquidCrystal chapter 1 . 12/25/2012
Great story! I love this kind of romance and you wrote it beautifully!
Neellok chapter 1 . 11/23/2012
This story was very cute. I liked that while Tetsumi played Basketball it wasn't the focal point of your story. I thought it was cute how she asked him out. The deal. I also liked that she didn't join the basketball team. I personally think that is unrealistic... *shrugs*

The fact that Daiki chases after her and confesses to Tomoe! That was awesome! It felt so real, because, yeah at first he didn't love her... but then his feelings changed!

I have a few critiques about your writing. I'm not the greatest at wording... so I hope this comes across okay.

Use their names more often then you have been. I realize that as authors we want to get details into the story, but I want to read a love story between Tetsumi and Daiki not: the cerulean eyed girl, or the sapphire eyed boy. You do not always need to describe the color of their eyes. You can just mention that their eyes sparkled... for example.

You also use 'she' and 'he' quite a lot as well... but their name works just fine there, too.

Um... yeah. Hope that wasn't worded too harsh or anything. It was something that I needed to work on in my writing. :)

The ending scene you used their names more and I really enjoyed the bit the most I think!3
The 17th Requiem chapter 1 . 10/29/2012
I can't get over how much I love this fic!
The Genesis Riddle chapter 1 . 10/20/2012
Awwwwwwww Kawaii! It made cry and smile its beautiful!
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