Reviews for Part Human
IcyImagination chapter 36 . 7/22
Oh my gosh! This was so amazing! Definitely canon! I think you perfectly weaved together a story the blended so well with everything else that exists. I loved that you had Rose grow and change and become smarter, but she still stayed the same at heart, which I think is why so many fans love her. The Doctor was so Doctor-y, it was fantastic! I think the way you developed their relationship was a perfect pace, and went through all the emotions and thoughts necessary. You didn't make it just perfect straight away, which would have been unrealistic. Thank you so much for this beautiful story!
IcyImagination chapter 7 . 7/18
I have been re-watching Doctor Who, and so far, this story has been a great way for me to think about how Doctor 10.5 and Rose would have gotten along. I'm excited for them to get their happy ending.
Heather Snow chapter 35 . 4/18/2018
This is a re-read, but I have to review it again. This was a really great story. Great A-plot, but also good character development. The Doctor was fleshed out especially well.
QueenTatooine chapter 36 . 4/3/2018
very nice. I like how it was left open for a sequel. My question is though, why couldn't the doctor work at Torchwood 3? Is it because of their relationship? You know fraternization between ranks.

I am off to find the sequel.
Guest chapter 36 . 3/14/2018
Loved this story back when you published it, and still love it now.
Basil Allegri chapter 36 . 3/2/2018
Best part of this fic is the character growth we get to see for Rose. She's wonderful as a 19-year-old, of course, but it's also nice to see her becoming a mature, independent adult as well.
MewWinx96 chapter 36 . 2/9/2018
Hi! I just wanted to say that I really enjoyed this story and I look forward to reading the sequels! :)
asdfghjkl91 chapter 35 . 1/3/2018
Still a work of art the second time around. Still cried like a baby. Still believe that this is canon and nothing will ever change that.
bashfulbabe02 chapter 1 . 12/26/2017
I will forever be grateful for this story! Thank you so much for writing it!
asdfghjkl91 chapter 9 . 12/20/2017
The end of this chapter is still painfully perfect and I LOVE it.
asdfghjkl91 chapter 36 . 11/4/2017
It is 4:17am and I have to be up for work in 3 hours and 28 minutes. But here I am giddy and wide awake. You've officially ruined my life. Thank you. 3
Elise chapter 36 . 9/19/2016
This was so so brilliant. I loved everything. Your writing is great, you explain things so well, the characters are in character (that is so precious you have no idea), the plot was fantastic, I just. Loved. Everything.
I liked particularly how you handled the "Two Doctor" problem. I found it very realistic (weeell as much as this situation can be haha!), everybody's feelings were so well described, the Doctor's jealousy towards himself, Rose thinking "of course they're not the same", her "bigger on the inside" realisation (brilliant that was)... Cherry on the cake was the Rose/Nine memories. I love Nine so much, I still miss him terribly and he is vastly underrated.
Just, thanks you so much for writing this, I am, of course, going to read the sequel, so see you there!
Tarocchi chapter 7 . 8/7/2016
This is my second time reading through this series, and with the second viewing I've really come to appreciate the details you've put into everything. We learn just enough about Kate to feel a bit sorry that she's disappeared. We learn all the details about the baby formula company so that it feels like Torchwood really could exist. You didn't HAVE to put those things in, but in doing so you've made the world that much richer and more believable.

I'm also really looking forward to meeting up with Torchwood 3 again. I had never seen Torchwood when I read this series for the first time. In fact, it was this series that motivated me to watch the first season. I was really intrigued by the characters as you wrote them. In the end, the show just wasn't my cup of tea and I didn't continue after season 1, but I liked the characters, and I'm really excited to see them appear in your story, now that I actually know more about them. But I'm getting ahead of myself. Back to this adventure!
Tallulah99 chapter 16 . 5/27/2016
"Here in Cardiff in particular she was in her element, confident, capable, completely secure in herself. And it was breathtaking."

He us so in awe and so in love and j just can't even deal with how much I am loving this.

The plot is heating up and I can't wait to see where you go with it. All the genetic references are so well done and are making me VERY curious about what's going on, especially with Rose!

I am going to try and be a mature adult and put this down for the 'night' (it being nearly 3am here:/), but I'm diving right back in as soon as I wake up tomorrow...which, considering how late/early it is, will probably be sometime mid-afternoon.

Thanks for all the lost sleep! It's totally been worth it!
Tallulah99 chapter 15 . 5/27/2016
And now! A wild Torchwod reference! Ianto! Owen! Gwen! Tosh! Babies!

Owen versus the Doctor is my new favorite thing

"And as intimidating as I now find you, and I find you extremely intimidating, that's nothing compared to how totally frightening Rose Tyler can be."

That's some beautiful and wonderfully in character dialogue.

I also really enjoy the pieces of Classic Who that you reference. There aren't nearly enough fics that meld the old and new together.

I'm giving myself one more chapter before I call it a night. Here's hoping it's not a cliff hanger!
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