Reviews for Nemesis
darkworkangel chapter 7 . 8/7
do u plan to finish this?
iEndermiss chapter 7 . 4/23
I can't believe it took me so long to find this story, it's fantastic!
I hope someday you finish it; I truly was engrossed the whole time and am left on a massive cliff hanger!
Guest chapter 1 . 2/9
The pull is strong but I absolutely refuse to reread this again. If I do, I'll be hooked all over again. It's just that good.

- TheWhiteShellMermaid
Dhion chapter 7 . 2/17/2019
It's been a while since I've read this, but I still love it! For a moment I thought that the figure in flames was going to be Mildred's drawing (the Godess of the Elements). I love the ynamics between HB, Mildred and Hoped
The White Shell Mermaid chapter 6 . 8/22/2018
Oh, why did I have to reread this? I'm hooked all over again! I want to know what happens so bad!
Guest chapter 7 . 7/22/2018
When will you continue this story?
Is Miss Hardbroom Hopes mother?
Gmt32114 chapter 7 . 5/5/2018
Hi! How have I just come across this? It’s so good! Keep it up
The White Shell Mermaid chapter 7 . 2/14/2018
It's been over four years and I'm guessing this story has been abandoned but, wow! I really like it!

That said, let's see. Hope is Constance's daughter isn't she? But Constance was made to forget, via a spell cast by Broomhead. Dr. Jason must be Constance's brother, but they were made to forget that to, believing each other to be dead. The dead man - Mildred's father, I bet he's also Hope's father, making them half sisters.
Akwuna chapter 7 . 11/24/2017
Wow! You must have put so much work and effort into this story! I have to admit I'm infinitely biased towards Constance and can never get enough of her. You're an extremely talented writer, I know it's been a long time since this was updated but would you consider continuing?
thenotnewworstwitch chapter 7 . 8/13/2016
this has had me reading all day I'm totally addicted I love the way you make the characters so believable I hope you will finish this one day
Guest chapter 1 . 12/16/2014
Gretalie Moores chapter 7 . 3/25/2014
Well I must say I am completely captivated by your story! I love your attention to detail (although I am a very naughty skim reader which usually happens when I'm particularly excited about a story and I will have to reread at some point because I'm sure I missed something) and I am very happy that my trawling through the WW pages on fanfiction paid off!

I am extremely eager to find out what happens next and while I hope you may update soon, I know what it is like to get carried away with real life (since my own fics have been on hiatus for a few years now! I blame it on my immaturity and lack of detail at the time of writing them and now I want to rewrite I can't get the stories out of my head and onto the page). Good job though! I do love a decent drama, especially when it features my favourite witches! I love Hope as a character too. She is a great addition and adds that extra something to the story. I also love how you always leave little bits of information out so we don't have quite the whole story all the time. Very intriguing!

danzingthrulife chapter 7 . 3/6/2014
okay, so I found this lovely story yesterday and couldn't keep my hands off it since then!
The plot is thrilling and you want nothing more than finding out what's going to happen in the end!
Of course it's a few notches darker than the actual show but it's very well-written, and the characters are spot on most of the time (the rest is free interpretation which of course is always allowed ;)).
The only criticism I could possibly come up with are some grammar/spelling mistakes or words that don't belong/are missing so you might consider going over it again if you find the time (it's not too irritating but would make it nicer to read - especially the infamous you're/your and they're/their/there trap caught you a few times ;)).
All in all I'm so pleased with this story because it has all I love about the Worst Witch :)
So I beg on you, please continue writing, it would be a shame to let such a story go to waste! I so wanna no the resolution

Have a nice day :)
ConstanceScully chapter 7 . 12/24/2013
Yey! I am so glad you have continued with the story. I am continually fascinated. Can't wait for the next update! xx
NCD chapter 7 . 12/22/2013
Not really up to this, hence the briefness, but have read, as per your request. Well written, as always. Interesting character developments, as well. I wouldn't say Ethel was 'off', either; perfectly acceptable, given the circumstances. Well done!
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