Reviews for Dream Eater
JupitersMoon167 chapter 27 . 2/4/2015
Can you please finish this story! :) :) :) :)
Guest chapter 27 . 3/20/2014
Can't end it there! please continue , pretty please
lovingit chapter 1 . 2/22/2013
rather interesting if I may say so my self. I like it and love that shes short..I'm short and loving it! Not that you wanted to know. Good story you got here.
C. S. Stars chapter 27 . 1/3/2013
This has been a pretty good story. I am enjoying it very much. Steve is so cute! X3 oh no. Dammit Fury! :(
MidnightCarnival chapter 10 . 1/2/2013
I want to be clear, I don't hat your story. However since this is a reveiw and not a free praise section, I feel the need to mention what didn't work.

First off, Shea hasall these powers and usable to stop bullets and energy blasts, but other than the training fight she never seems to think it's a good idea to use them. Instead of deflecting Cap's sheild with her powers she instead "barely avoids haveing her head lopped off by ducking". She charges Loki instead of useing her powers aghainst him. She has to have Steve sheild her with his body from the explosion, need I go on?

Shea also seems to be shoehornd in a lot of times. Her and Tonys presence at the party affected nothing and was rather rushed with way too much of the other charecters going on about an attraction between Shea and Steve and how "hot" Shea looks in a dress. I somehow doubt that the avengers would be more concerned about all of that than a Norse god who is trying to take over the world. Not to mention her pressence at the clearing served no purpose other than to have the other charecters fret over her.

The canons are also ooc. Sorry, but it's true. Tony acts like an idiot, Coulson is far too emotional, Steve acts like a horny teen, Natasha acts way too buddy buddy with Shea, and bruce, Clint, fury and Thor seem to have either fallen of the face of the earth or you didn't deem them interesting enough to really write about them beyond a few words here or there.

Now, there are some good things I liked, your transitions are not terrible, and you seem to have a good grasp of grammer and what not. However, I just find that the all important immersion simply didn't cut it for me due to all of the afformentioned issues above. Don't take this as an insult, take it as the constructive critisism that it is. If I didn't think you had potential, I wouldn't have even bothered.

Happy writeing
Cara Tala chapter 27 . 1/1/2013
My stomach just dropped. It seriously just dropped and I got a sick feeling. She has seriously got to fight, her and Steve both! Fury cannot do is so WRONG! They really need to kick Fury's ass for doing it.
Great update!
Lady Syndra chapter 27 . 12/30/2012
So their gonna torture her? Urgh SHIELD always has to know everything don't they. They always want to get their way.
I hope she stays strong lol.
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
Please update soon!
ghostgirlgenesis chapter 27 . 12/26/2012
My favorite Avengers fanfiction! Woah! I'm soooo exited for next chapter! I really like Shea, she's really an interesting character, and her powers are awesome! She's the kind of character I could just immediately bond to. This is very well written, better than most I've ever read. You manage to capture the personalities of the characters perfectly, so creds to you, because this is where most people fail! And I also love that you've included Peter Parker, the original/first one! As a huge Spider-Man fan, (and with that I mean that I'm a fan of the three first movies with Tobey Maguire, personally, I didn't like the newest at all) I just love that he has a part of this story. Come on, write next chapter allready! I'm DYING to know what wicked plans Fury has for her!
Shut up Plop Plop chapter 27 . 12/10/2012
Yes! You updated. I love when people update so update maybe ;-)
Ali chapter 27 . 12/6/2012
Oh mysterious :)
EnyaandEathenyl chapter 27 . 12/5/2012
Cliffhanger! Update soon!
Kitty-on-CRACK chapter 27 . 12/5/2012
Fury's a dipstick.
Dusk Nightmare chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
I love this story! It's awesome!
DuskNighmare chapter 1 . 12/5/2012
I love this story!
Shut up Plop Plop chapter 26 . 12/3/2012
Please I'm begging you now. UPDATE. :-) I need to know what happens!
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