Reviews for Hidden Truths
Paris chapter 13 . 2/7/2003
Wonderful Story :)
Bil chapter 13 . 11/16/2002
Pretty cool.
Calty chapter 13 . 7/27/2002
This story is so cool. I don't want it to end. Oh, well. Is there going to be a follow up? Cause if there is you got my 10/10 review!
smiler chapter 13 . 7/24/2002
The last line wasn't lame. I thought this story was perfect. You have a rare talent... Keep up the good work!
Buried in Blue Snow chapter 13 . 7/24/2002
Cool fic! It had a really interesting plot, with lots of drama and then some. I'm sad to see the story end, but I liked the ending too. :3
Braycat chapter 11 . 7/22/2002
This just gets better and better. It's so cool that Trip is a "special" human while of course still being a good guy. I hope the crew ends up accepting him, after they kick the bad guy's butt of course.

Can't wait for the next part.
Calty chapter 11 . 7/22/2002
OOO! Keep going. This is really getting somewhere! I'll be waiting for more!
fanofsmith chapter 9 . 7/21/2002
OK, I admit it, I'm hooked!
Braycat chapter 9 . 7/21/2002
This is getting soooo good. Trip's good intentions are coming back to haunt him. What exactly is Trip? I can't wait to find out, and I hope his crew will accept him for what he is when they do find out. Hurry and write the next part.
LN chapter 8 . 7/20/2002
This is really good! Looking forward to more!
Dalakh chapter 6 . 7/20/2002
wow! this is great -do'ya have to leave me hanging like this? so whats trip?
Topper chapter 5 . 7/19/2002
Amazin story

youre a crule person keeping eveyone hanging

but thats cool
Joee1 chapter 4 . 7/17/2002
Good story so far. Please continue :)
Sethoz chapter 2 . 7/16/2002
*Jumps up and down* Oh come on, this story has got me on teterhooks! What happens next? What's the deal with Trip?
Guest chapter 2 . 7/16/2002
Great Story. Very interesting... Write more ASAP (please)
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