Reviews for Shattered Glass
kzqueen chapter 25 . 1/26/2014
please continue...the suspense and the ending is killing me!
LittleWonders23 chapter 25 . 1/21/2014
YOU LIVE! This was very good and it made me a bit sad. I hope people learn to get over their darn selves.
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 25 . 1/20/2014
Aw! I hope she'll get better soon! Oh no! HATRED?! How can anyone hate poor Whitney?!

First of all: I cannot believe you updated so quickly! IM SO PROUD OF YOU! Haha, I was so excited to read it and was so happy!


Okay back to the review:

This story always gets better and better! I can't wait until everything settles down! Keep it going my friend! KEEP IT GOIN!:)
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 24 . 1/7/2014
Holy cows! You updated! YOU UPDATED! Holy cheeses crust! I can't believe it! I'm so excited! I can't wait! This is so exciting! How amazing! How... Okay let's do the review first!;)
Oh my gods! Desiree will not take Whitney away! She can't she won't! I WON'T HER! For one it will crush Tony's heart! No! I can't bear that! ITS HORRIBLE!

Jeez! Come on! Your daughter is broken upstairs and y'all are fighting like. Children! Shame on you! Shame on YOU! Well not you, I'm talking about the parents of course!:) either way... I'm just so surprised on how they were acting! So surprised! Jeez...

Oh Tony:( the poor guy! (Wow Im saying that now) of course he's also psychologically scarred no doubt because of Whitney and himself! The poor guy:( I feel so bad for him! It wasn't his fault it happened you know? It's alright Tony! You didn't do anything! The sweetheart, blaming himself for what had happened:(

So as you can tell... I am just amazingly excited! I was so excited! I saw the email and just squealed! I did... And really I was completely happy! I can't wait to read another chapter and can't wait for another update!

You are such an amazing writer! So professional I tell you! And OMG! You have a new story out! I have to read that! Can't wait to talk (type) to you soon!:)
PercyJacksonLover14 chapter 23 . 6/21/2013
YAY! YOU UPDATED! YAYAY! Okay I'm good... Got the excitement out.. Phew... Well I'm begin happy that you updated! I actually shouted out. My mom rushed in and was like,"what's wrong?!" And I was like,"YAYAY!" She left confused. She'll never understand.

Dalton doesn't even deserve a lawyer! None what so ever! More or less he needs the death sentence! Then he could die and then "happily ever after the end!" Every person deserves a lawyer and I'm not sure Dalton deserves one! And to think of the nerve of that lawyer! I wouldn't even bother to lower the sentence. I would be like,"BAM DEATH SENTENCE! Case dismissed. No way I would give that man another chance!

Poor Tony:( he really does need to know that it really wasn't his fault! Whitney just happened to be kidnapped by Dalton! It wasn't his fault! You can't prevent stuff like that from happening! It just happens! Aw! As you would do... I want to give him a virtual hug (and if possible a kiss) and give him a virtual cookie... Cookies make everyone happy! At least I mean they make me happy! And I like being happy! Tony will make it through! And I almost forgot that he almost drowned! Holy cow! So much has passed! You should be super proud of yourself for writing so much like that. You should be really proud! I loved it and I can't wait to read another chapter!

You are a fabulous writer! I've said it millions of times and so in making this the millionth and one time! You are amazing and so full of talent! Keep it up! You better... Or else... MUAHAHAHA! You didn't hear that:) alrighty then! Update soon!:D and stay awesome!
Aipom4 chapter 22 . 5/25/2013
Can't wait for the next update
Aipom4 chapter 20 . 5/25/2013
Aipom4 chapter 18 . 5/25/2013
I hate that they have to go through that
Aipom4 chapter 19 . 5/25/2013
Poor tony
Aipom4 chapter 16 . 5/25/2013
Such a nice day for them
Aipom4 chapter 15 . 5/25/2013
Aipom4 chapter 8 . 5/25/2013
I love your whitney tony tics you should write more
Aipom4 chapter 10 . 5/25/2013
I like there moment flashbacks
Aipom4 chapter 11 . 5/25/2013
What a nice dream for tony
Aipom4 chapter 12 . 5/25/2013
Team iron is a great trio
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