Reviews for Ultimatum
AngelLonginus chapter 10 . 1/17/2019
This story gets better with each reread! I love it! You’re writing is fantastic. Thanks!
bponder chapter 10 . 4/18/2018
just read this amazing story - such suspenseful drama! love your fan fiction, PLEASE keep writing them!
conservativegirl chapter 10 . 12/4/2017
I just found this after reading the Christmas story a few days ago and I absolutely love it! The perfect AU with the drama you do best and all the caskett kiddos and Kate/Alexis bonding :)
Guest chapter 10 . 9/23/2016
Your writing is just outstanding
Lrusty93 chapter 10 . 10/19/2015
I have to get up for work in like 4 hours and I know this story is a few years old but I found it and had to read it through. Thank you! It is amazing, well thought out and very well written. One of my absolute favorites.
ms simmons chapter 10 . 2/3/2015
Very good story loved it i love protective daddy/husband/boyfriend Castle
Guest chapter 10 . 7/25/2014
this was the most emotional thing I have ever read I SWAER when Alexis was talking to him on the phone I was crying and then when she said they asked for her help I was like NOOOOOOOO and I cried at Rick and kate ily but this was too much omg for me to emotionally handle but I lived it so much 3
Mar.47 chapter 10 . 6/4/2014
This fanfic... Is.. Perfect.. I totally loved it
blue1orange chapter 10 . 4/9/2014
Loved your story angle. Great action. Liked your Castle, a bit of Jack Ryan in him..this Castle has some big balls, the way he went after Kate with a vengeance...and a plan. He wasn't afraid to give it to the abductors brutally and flat out full the clutch he showed real nerve and real guts.
And what a sweet finish with the return of the 'prodigal daughter' to make their family whole again. Perfect. ;-)
primadonna001 chapter 1 . 9/13/2013
I mean, just so so so bloody good. I love how you can write the stories that are more canon, where they stay in new york and kate changes so gradually, and then you can write these ones (this and the one where she "dies") where she seems to have overcome and grown so so much. Partially because of the baby, Castle and the dragon. But so so great. Always keep it up
Anonymous chapter 10 . 4/6/2013
Why does Beckett have to be pregnant? Just the sound of that word *shivers*
E.Sign chapter 10 . 2/23/2013
Great story
Guest chapter 10 . 11/27/2012
I don't want it to end
JessieWills chapter 10 . 11/23/2012
This was simply amazing!
LilithL2 chapter 10 . 10/24/2012
(I'm spanish so I apologize for any mistakes before you even start to read.)

Beautiful, even if it feels a little rushed... i mean, i like the idea, but lacks of more plot

I like the idea of Castle being the heroe, but at the same time, what Castle has best is his mind, i like to think that he has a high IQ, and all this story seems like Castle didn't have time to think... it's reasonable, i suppose, but...

I like the idea of Rick having some kind of contengency plan, he loves to make conspirancy theories, but he should have more contacts he could call... not just a super company that resolves everything. Would be nicer to have Rick have a bank accound with another name, a place with cash, or a gun...

unravel some of Castle's past, where he meet somebody esential for the story...

And I think it's too easy to have the bad guy about to die, spill all his secrets and the location...

It's stupid of Castle think that after everything, if he just doesn't read the file, everything will be fine... so he should have done something with that file...

He should have manipulated somebody, like, i don't know, Gina, to set a press conference for the day after, just to scare the guys, because they send somebody to kill him...

I'm not a writer and not because lack of trying. I'm bad at it. And I bow in front every good writer that this site has, you being one of the best. I read most of your stories.

Just, without decreasing my respect for you, this particulary one wasn't your finest.

Keep writing as always :)
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