Reviews for To Defy the Stars
Zela Night chapter 2 . 6/4/2018
You hint at Norse Mythology being part of this fic, that it happened, and Loki was reborn with no memory or sealed into a child form, but you leave the story with only the bareat picture of what is happening.
This story is amazing, but I wish it was longer or complete.
Thank you for writing this story and it's prequel.
UTBS279 chapter 2 . 2/7/2018
:( you ever gonna update?
Guest chapter 2 . 4/10/2017
I loved this so much! PLZ update...
sugarhighunicorn chapter 2 . 5/1/2016
Any chances of you continuing this? It's pretty awesome. I was so happy to find a fic that wasn't all sunshine and rainbows with unrealistic problems. Now I'm begging for another chapter. Please?
EspirituDelMar chapter 2 . 8/17/2015
I'm begging you, in all seriousness, break off the hiatus. This story is extraordinarily amazing (and its prequel as well), the writing incredible, the lyrics in the chapters perfect and fitting, and next-to-none grammar and vocab mistakes and typos. Please, retake the story and bring it to its, no doubt, amazing final (maybe with a bit of a happy ending for loki and stark? Maybe? Please?)
Caricature of a Witch chapter 2 . 6/15/2015
Okay, so. Huh. I realise you haven't posted anything in forever, and your profile text isn't exactly promising updates either, but. Well. If you ever come around again, I'd absolutely love for this to go on. The story idea is amazing, so is your writing style, and you'd make me very happy if you were to continue :)
Chris chapter 2 . 10/22/2014

Only after I read the prequel to this story and posted a review, I saw your posting about the accident and the hiatus.
I hope everything went well with the surgeries and you're doing well now.
Still hope that some day you will find the time, strength and inspiration aagin to continue this awesome story, because damn... you sure know how to keep people jumping from cliffhanger to cliffhanger. I really love your writing style. Greetings and a lot of strength to you from Europe!
ozseaside chapter 2 . 9/8/2014
how long is the hiatus going to be?
hanging to keep reading!
TrustyFoxy chapter 2 . 8/23/2014
Limbo...Never heard of it...
Shiba-san chapter 2 . 8/21/2014
Great story! Please Update!
Refrigerator-Burn chapter 2 . 4/25/2014
Wow. Can I just start by thanking you for continuing the story with a sequel? When I reached the end I was nearly devastated, but then, sweet relief of the promised sequel. Of course it was just a temporary remedy as once I found this i discovered it was on hiatus! And has been for quite some time! Most instances such as these result in the abandonment of a story- and please, please do not do that. The content is captivating and you have left me with so many questions! I humbly beg of you to, at the very least, wrap up the story. Or post what had been your intended plans.

To be honest, I don't expect this to message to change anything. Think about a story you may have forgotten, reminisce and entertain ideas of picking it back up or reworking it- but that's it. That's enough. Maybe it'll plant a seed somewhere in the back of your mind.

Here is to hope.
ClaMiAl chapter 2 . 8/1/2013
An intriguing beginning to the story. What's the thing Tony was looking for? What's with Loki being called the Bringer? Bringer of what? And who or what is calling him that? Since he's screaming, I can't imagine he's gonna be happy wherever he is now. And what was Mephisto going on about? And what's going to happen to Natasha and Bruce? Will Tony, Steve and Thor be able to find them before Osbrone can experiment on them? Or will Natashe become some sort of female Hulk or something? And where is Fury? Will Tony be able to get his company back up and running? So many questions... I hope to see this story continues, I'd love to see where you take it..
AI chapter 2 . 5/5/2013
Hey, I just found your story and this sequel and wanted to say, that I really enjoyed them. Pity you haven't updated for this long. But I'm not giving up. Maybe the muse will kiss you again, if you read, that I really enjoyed your story. It touched me greatly and I wouldn't be able live with the knowledge, that Loki'll be alone and screaming forever and Tony will stay all alone inbetween his friends. Just saying. ;) Hope you find the time to write on.
TheBlueSlinky chapter 2 . 4/14/2013
I love this :)
Miravisu chapter 2 . 3/31/2013
I'm grateful for having the chance to read these amazing fics!

I also read about your unfortunate accident and I wish you a speedy recovery, health takes precedence before fanfics :)
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