Reviews for Always
Catherine Pugh chapter 1 . 9/12/2013
Wonderful little vignette, and totally in character.
Pergjithshme chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
Oh! This was really cute! Molly and Sherlock are perfect together. XD
daisherz365 chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
It's even better the second time around. Haha I do hope they get something in canon because seriously he couldn't have just did that and left. Gah it's just so good. Thank you for sharing this. :) -sincerelydayyy / Day
shepweir always chapter 1 . 9/8/2012
This was such a beautiful and moving moment. I think that SH will react similar to this when he does return. I may be dreaming but after Molly helped him fake his death he has to have more respect and admiration for her. She is the reason that it was possible for him to outsmart Moriaty. I hope he remembers how that "SHE DOES COUNT". The most believable part was when Molly pulled back so that they could continue this another time. It showed how much she put him first by not asking for more than he was ready to give.