Reviews for The Crime of a Secret
RIP Molly chapter 6 . 2/4/2018
I am Australian and I cried when you mentioned Steve Irwin. We all miss him.
Thais Paula chapter 4 . 8/26/2014
Kkkkkkkkkkkk eu sei onde encontrar um saco , uma rocha e o rio . Kkkkkkkkkkk amei ... o Cas tá terrível !
Thais Paula chapter 4 . 8/26/2014
Amei ! A relação entre o Dean e o Cas é super engraçada e fofo ,
Gogirlbm chapter 7 . 10/31/2013
OK. So I was just sitting here, enjoying your story (the part in the beginning where Cas is talking to Charlie about him almost feeling up Dean) and then pieces in my mind kind of clicked together and I was like "No, it can't be. NO. It's not- But, it all makes since. But it cant be- OMG ITS DEAN. DEAN IS THE ONE WHO BROKE IN!" Then I ran down here to tell you, the author. It totally explains why Dean is acting weird.
Even if that doesn't happen (I actually prefer that Dean isn't the guy who broke in), that scene totally sets up for it and I would have no problem believing it as a twist.
Now. I have to finish the rest of this amazing chapter.
Tsarsilver chapter 17 . 7/20/2013
Now I can honestly say that I usually don't read stories over like 4 chapters, neither do I read AU fics. But oh my god, this story was SO worth it! I was literally screaming at my computer at parts and laughing at others. Fantastic job, I'm recommending this story to all my friends! :)
Tazi chapter 17 . 7/16/2013
Thank you for making my life just that much better. You have writing skills that could easily stand up to a publisher if you were considering a writing, but my god, everything g you did in this story was perfect. This is at the moment, my favourite fan fiction (of any fandom or pairing). You are my new god, I cannot stress enough how perfectly in character an well thought out your plot and character developments are. I'm begging you, just right a little Drabble or two-shot sort of thing about there time in the Caribbean, a little fluff and smut and beAch would be the perfect end to your perfect story.

Thank you for your creation.
Cariboucapecod chapter 17 . 4/16/2013
please update! I wanna know what happens*begins to sob before wandering off to red your other stories*
Cariboucapecod chapter 11 . 4/15/2013
Odd I've never EVER hated Dean this much in comparison to Micheal before. Nice job
Cariboucapecod chapter 8 . 4/15/2013
I will say I have fallen in love with this story! Everyone is in character! I'd give you my soul but I already sold it for a lifetime supply of chocolate!
mebiscuitsinmebrew chapter 17 . 4/4/2013
I have no words..: none. Ahshshajdjksak! I can't! I have lost le ability to can. That was utter perfection. Better than perfection. I went though all the emotions of reading this story, even to the point of shouting "oh no!" Very loudly when it transpired that dean was undercover. This caused my fellow train passengers to be alarmed. They also looked when I laughed out loud at some of Castiel's misha-isms.

I want to immediately forget this fic so then I can have the indescribable joy of reading it again.
mhmellie chapter 17 . 3/12/2013
so i read this back when you put it up but ive been hella lazy about writting a review lol but now i have stepped out of the funk and ready for more updates on this story! im so excited to see how you wrap this story up! its seriously one of my all time favorites and i cant wait to see other stories you write about Dean and Cas!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/15/2013
Finallyyyyy I've been waiting for this! Hope there's a hot steamy sex scene coming! But srly this fic is amazing, loved every chapter!
snowin' you chapter 17 . 2/11/2013
Love the phone booth scene!
Guest chapter 17 . 2/10/2013
HuntingWithAngels chapter 17 . 2/10/2013
Aww thank God they're ok! In this story Ben's really Dean's son? Or Lisa was lying?And his "relationship" with Sam is so cute! post mooore ASAP
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