Reviews for Snow Nine
Anyar4 chapter 12 . 9/14/2017
You. Are. *Amazing!*
Guest chapter 12 . 3/24/2016
Wunderbar! I love it!
Soap Lady chapter 12 . 9/26/2014
What can I say that hasn't been said? This is wonderful. The characterization isn't quite canon bu everyone was true to form and I loved seeing Miss Pauling being so resourceful and brave and definitely not a Mary Sue.

The team dynamic was great. I liked the way Pauling viewed them as "her men". I couldn't decide if she was the Team Mom or a Little Sister heroine.

It's been said before but it's worth repeating: Miss Pauling is the Tenth Class.
KrnYong chapter 12 . 3/23/2014
I liked this a lot, the characterization was good, as was the plot and pacing. The only critique I have is that I don't think the non-chronological order of the beginning is necessary, it made it a tad confusing actually. Other than that, I have to say this fic kept me on my toes. The underlying eeriness of fleshy robots as well as the desperation of the characters against such odds was great. I thought Ms. Pauling was portrayed en point, and overall the fic was entertaining.
Vecordia chapter 1 . 1/24/2014
Oh my god, Snatcher. I love your writing but damn, even knowing Snatcher exists gives you another 20 points in my book. This is very well written, as all of your stories are. Can't wait to read the rest of this!
Lkcsi chapter 10 . 12/26/2013
Words cannot express how I'm dying to know what's with Medic and his wig xD
It's a very nice story, well written, dynamic. I hope you make more.
acidburned chapter 10 . 11/20/2013
Ah the Medic and Sniper pairing, very very unique. Like how you used it in this context. And having Miss Pauling do things is fun too. The anticipation is getting me all excited! Where is Scout! What is the administrator doing! What the hell is going on on the ship! :D
acidburned chapter 9 . 11/20/2013
About crossing the line, what you were worried about was actually tastefully done. You gave sufficient warnings and anyone offended should have themselves to blame for not reading Author's Notes. For me it was not sexy per se, but more clinical than anything else. Love that the Sniper just knew that there was a spy around. That sensing mechanism is just engrained into him, much like how Engie knew what Pyro was saying. And really Miss Pauling, theft is a concern to you? Hahaha. On to the next chapter!
acidburned chapter 8 . 11/20/2013
You know, it makes total sense, their apprehensiveness of duplicating Demoman and Sniper; they really are veyr memorable. Easy to describe. And with engineer and medic, you need more than a trigger happy finger to replicate their individual genius. Nice observation put into the story. And yay we got the spy! Miss him! And Pyro, my favourite! I like how Miss Pauling didn't really understand what he was saying but the Engineer did. Most probably because his team mates hang around him more often, and how Pyro might occasionally spray fire where the Engineer works to identify any spies. Pyro reminds me of the Chinese guy in Ocean's 11/12?/13 where most of the team understands his very accented Mandarin. All that's left is Scout! Really haven't seen him around haha.
acidburned chapter 7 . 11/20/2013
Ohh this is getting so interesting. Poor Miss Pauling, getting shot in the face. The men are so sweet to her though, reminding her about the watch and looking out for her safety. It's an interesting proposition the head of Tian Lu has though. Make the robots better? Have them respawn? Human brains? Creativity? Interesting!
acidburned chapter 6 . 11/20/2013
Dynamite pair of stockings. I can imagine the Administrator being totally characterized by that single fact. Ones that magically never snag or rip. Ok that was a random thought of mine. I did like the dinner date! Nice way to break the fight after flight after fight sequences. I'm missing scout and spy a bit, I hope you wrote about them soon!
acidburned chapter 5 . 11/20/2013
In Japan, did you notice bird chirpings in certain train platforms? I thought it was adorable. Hello again! I laughed a little when Miss Pauling pointed out the octopus. I really like how you write her, like.. She's not perfect. She still can get badly hurt despite knowing how to shoot a gun, she is sharp eyed seeing the camera's angle (despite the whole cute octopus thing haha). A good balance I find. Yay to non-Mary Sues!
acidburned chapter 4 . 11/20/2013
Hello! I've been a lurker for quite some time now. Your team fortress 2 fics are amazing and this is no different. Just wanted to drop a review saying how much I appreciate the long chapters you churn out with the amount of details. Writing 9 characters (plus 1 Miss Pauling and minus the spy, pyro and scout. Still! That's a mighty lot to keep track of!) is hell hard I reckon, and I'm amazed at how you manage to let each of them play their parts. Argh I just wanna read more! Will review every now and then to tell you what I feel! For now, the whole Mann vs Machine theme, the juxtaposition of timelines going back and forth.. It's been a wonderful ride so far. Thank you for sharing!
CactusNoir chapter 10 . 10/15/2013
This is a brilliant read, thanks for writing it!
It's amazing how some people can put words together, and they make wonderful sounds and narrations in your head, not to mention it being an excting read.
Writing is magic, and you are good at it. :D
CactusNoir chapter 7 . 10/15/2013
Haha Awesome. Sounds like someone somewhere has a plan :)
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