Reviews for The New Housekeeper
paleseptember10 chapter 8 . 7/22
Damn straight! They did it! *Applause*
paleseptember10 chapter 7 . 7/22
Oh man! Those journal entries were so cute. Go and get your girl back, CG!
paleseptember10 chapter 6 . 7/22
God dammit Kelsey. Ruining everything. Jealous bish!
paleseptember10 chapter 5 . 7/22
I feel for AS. That is a hard life but she persevered! Making CG fall in love with her even more.
paleseptember10 chapter 4 . 7/22
Creeper level reached defcon 1! I’m glad he’s seeing all these different sides to her and dare i say, slowly falling in love with her.
paleseptember10 chapter 3 . 7/22
What a creep but it’s also adorable in a way, haha! Love that he’s noticing these little things about her.
paleseptember10 chapter 2 . 7/22
Damn, keep it in your pants CG lol. Can’t wait for Ana to knock him down from self obsession!
paleseptember10 chapter 1 . 7/22
Love this description of a very dedicated AS. CG is mildly intrigued. Interesting!
Felicia Flowers Spears chapter 33 . 6/4
this was such a great story. i really enjoyed read your story wish it could have been a liitle more detailed at the end .
wkathryn71 chapter 33 . 6/3
Thanks for sharing there will be a sequel
Love this story
Steflo310 chapter 33 . 12/25/2019
Guest chapter 33 . 12/20/2019
Boring story...
vickiel2r chapter 15 . 10/11/2019
Both getting into their heavy lovemaking and other things.
vickiel2r chapter 14 . 10/10/2019
Christian is lavishing Ana with fineries she never had a taste before in her life. She will be shock when she sees them all for she is not yet aware she is a jewel to Christian.
vickiel2r chapter 13 . 10/7/2019
They are both young and now that Ana had a taste of how satisfying it is to love him whose libido is so powerful they can be at it as often as comfort can allow. Both are insatiable.
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