Reviews for Of Construction and Seduction
Im Being Watched chapter 1 . 7/23/2013
Well, you're a brilliant writer, that's for sure. The only problem with the story is, Miyamoto was terribly OOC, to the point that it was hard to digesting it. Her demeanor is not icy, it's wacky. She's not a warm cunt, she's a loopey cunt.
Zigs-And-Zags chapter 1 . 5/2/2013
Now we all know where Jessie came from. 0.0 Ha ha JK...
With all joking aside, I enjoyed it a lot. The story seemed to fit in perfectly with the missing pieces of "The Birth of Mewtwo" and everything in between.
Great job! :D
Axletia Rosonetis chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
This is awesome. :D Great personalities from the both of them.
delete this profile its unused chapter 1 . 9/17/2012
Oh my God.


Don't criticize this work... it's positively extraordinary.

I love Giovanni the most, so let me start with him. You captured my image of him in the early days of Team Rocket perfectly. Desperate for his mother's approval, yet reluctant in his position. I could totally see him wanting to love Miyamoto... but feeling like it wasn't possible. I loved the opening. It was so tense... just like I would have pictured the atmosphere to be. The ponytail was an awesome touch- and it being gone was great symbolism of boy to man. I simply adored Giovanni.

Now for Miyamoto. Oh my goodness! I loved her. It seems just like her to canoodle money out of Giovanni. I love how she ended everything with him as well... and the tear... oh I just love it. I love when she talk about the cameras, and how she tries to say it happened in South America. That just fits her in my minds eye perfectly. The scene at the end with Giovanni fits perfectly too, with him screaming slut and saying "you promised!" It really shows how on one end he's mature and has man like anger, but at the other end he still believes people actually keep their promises all of the time, thus showing how naive he is.

All in all, it was absolutely beautiful. I'm in love with it. Thank you so, so much for this. I will treasure it forever. Don't doubt yourself, or your work. This is everything I could have hoped for. Thank you.