Reviews for to make love
746278191993873637 chapter 5 . 12/30/2017
Um, I don't have any words! This is insanely amazing and beautiful and fucking perfect. You've captured Brad's internalized homophobia, and the way he realises his life is fucked up but he can't do anything about it so perfectly. Also, the poem broke my heart. Amazing!
Fluteorwrite chapter 5 . 6/4/2015
All of the chapters are so well written and give me so many freaking emotions. This one was no different, plenty of emotion in the words and the ending left me with such a dopey grin on my face
Annie chapter 1 . 1/12/2015
Wowwww nice
OriginOfLove chapter 4 . 11/17/2014
J'adore comment ne pas aimer. C'est tellement beau et tragique à la fois. Continue
NataliaInesRosendoMercado chapter 4 . 6/16/2014
dewdrops and crowns chapter 4 . 5/4/2014
God Elsie why are you good at writing and emotions I hate you
Seriously though I think this is the saddest chapter so far for me and you create such empathy with brad, and I feel so angry at how life was back then
And how brad is jealous of Patrick who's so brave yet its kinda easy for him, kinda reminds me of boy meet boy if you've read that yet?
Just another beautiful chapter, you have a real flow and talent for writing and it'd be great it you maybe even wrote a modern au brad/Patrick? Idk something to think about to stop my tears xxxx
terafonne chapter 3 . 12/15/2013
this was
so very powerful.
The strength of their emotions, the words, and everything just comes together excellently.
lydialove27 chapter 3 . 12/14/2013
Please write more! This is so good. (Heartbreaking, but good.)
StillSunflower chapter 3 . 10/4/2013
I am crying so hard right now, I literally can't see the words I'm typing because of the tears. This is horribly well written and I just.. I just can't stand it it makes me so SAD.
sciamachys chapter 2 . 9/14/2013
Love it rather angsty wich is goood
AsYetNameless chapter 3 . 7/19/2013
ThinkTwice123 chapter 3 . 5/16/2013
OMFG. All three chapters were amazing. I just watched the movie and liked Patrick so I came here to read some fanfictions while I'm starting to write my own PatrickxBrad fic, but seriously. I have no words. Please add more chapters.
Leslie Andrews chapter 3 . 5/12/2013
I just watched "Perks of beeing a wallflower" and had to search for some fanfics about Patrick&Brad.
And your story is absolutly what I was looking for! I just want to thank you, which is weird i guess...
So: thanks for writing such a good "story"
La Fe10 chapter 1 . 4/29/2013
I'd be very please if you could send me a pm, if you are interested in or neither, just beacause i know and i'm learning how things works here beacause of the jet leg
La Fe10 chapter 2 . 4/29/2013
Dear angels are watching over you,
I read this history and I really LOVE patrick and brad of the noi siamo infinito. I hope you'll forgive somme mistakes, but english is not my mother tong. I was looking for some fanfic who talks about this wonderful couple, but unfotunately i wasn't able to find much stories about them, so i found yours. That's not my mother tong, but i'm not so bad, so i started read. And i found it wonderful, special. That's exacly what i thought brad felt in that moment, i loved it. Totally. I hope you will decide to continue it, because it's beautiful, but more than this i hope you give me your ok for translate your history to my mother tong, italian, and add it to a very known fanfiction website in my country site. Of couse, i'll include your nick, your warning and disclaimer and the url of the original story and whatever you'll want.
Thank for attention and i hope you reply in a positive way soon
La Fe_10
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