Reviews for The Lateness of the Hour
tasyadewi16 chapter 24 . 7/3
Can't wait for next update ~
willowfaust chapter 10 . 6/17
i want to chuckle everytime I hear Paul call Harry"Lover". It reminds me of Eric from Southern Vampire Mysteries.
PiBrain chapter 20 . 6/15
Ok, this fic is occasionally good, but you've got everyone's personalities jumping around wildly. You also have them rediscover the same thing over and over. Once you have someone figure something out you should make a note of it so they don't sound stupid by being confused about something they've already figured out later on.
PiBrain chapter 3 . 6/14
Separate your paragraphs.
kyokaramoau chapter 24 . 6/2
I love your The Lateness of the Hour story. It is really amazing and interesting. I really love to read more about it. It had been 8 years since your last update on the story. Please don't stop writing this story! I really want to read more of it. I love it. Please continue to update the story!
Guest chapter 10 . 4/4/2019
... Seriously... Like Esma did the most damage and hurt harry the most aside from Edward the fuck?
Guest chapter 9 . 4/4/2019
This was a great chapter! Up until Harry hugged that bitch Esma and forgave her. Now im just angry and annoyed lol
Kuroe17 chapter 24 . 3/6/2019
Will there be a continuation please?
MeMiss0-0 chapter 6 . 8/27/2018
WTF if they threw you out without a second thought, then they don't deserve you
nessiesmith2012 chapter 4 . 8/9/2018
oh come on Its hard to swallow that you've made him such a shortie (most authors of fanfic do to enhance his submissiveness or girlieness, because you know, can't be gay without looking small and submissive) but I thought he was done with the teen angst drama, running out of a meeting like that screams teen angst.
Bluecean chapter 10 . 2/27/2018
I like the idea of this story, and how it could have been. But, well.
Beth5572 chapter 24 . 2/3/2018
I would love to see what you write next. Your a great writer and your stories are great work too. Keep your great work of art.

Thank you and Please,

Guest chapter 24 . 4/20/2017
Hope chapter 24 . 4/13/2017
I like the story and can't wait to know what happens next hope you update
kirsty21 chapter 24 . 12/4/2016
cool update soon thanks
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