Reviews for Of Tabloids and Triads
Guest chapter 9 . 8/21
This was really a fun read. I love Makorra forever and I like the way you have Asami and Tano connecting. Thank you for sharing!
Guest chapter 2 . 9/4/2015
Epic, well written.
Avatar Sangmu chapter 1 . 6/21/2013
Nice. I like how level-headed Asami is, it's very in character.

The return of Tahno was brilliantly done, but actually, the hand should've been over his heart. Aang did put his hand on Korra's shoulder but he moved over his thumb to put it on her heart. Probably 'cause it would've been awkward to just slam it there on her chest.

Er, anyway, good potrayal of Tahno and I especially like the part where they bowed to each other.
2Tame a River chapter 9 . 6/19/2013
My hat is off to you!
Beautifully written and the characters were perfectly canon. The story line flowed easy and the plot evolved at the perfect pace! It is truly wonderful to come across a fanfic writer who really knows what they are doing with these loveable characters! Thanks for the marvalous read! I will be checking in to experience more of your works! :D
LastOrder1 chapter 9 . 4/27/2013
Awesome chapter;) Sorry that it took me almost a month to read and review. Anyways, awesome story and chapter. So, I take it that this is over then? Well, of course I'll be looking forward for your new story:)
WavesOfGrain94 chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
I really like Bolin's reaction to Asami kissing Tahno. I'm really starting to warm up to that sleezy wolfbat XD Fantastic chapter! Thanks for the update!
Guest chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
Aaaaaw, it's over? -_-
Anyway, this was a great fic!
LBun chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
This was a great fic! Great job!
Bolinlover123 chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
I lovveeeeeee this! You are a fantastic writer! 3
DrkVrtx chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
Hmm...I'll be straight up with you: this ending feels odd. I was very surprised to see your Author's Note in fact, because this story feels like it's just getting into its stride.

My main gripes are that the Tahno/Asami relationship was developing at a good, consistent pace up till Chapter 8, and then I feel that the characters are pushed along too quickly towards the eventual outcome of Chapter 9, with them being 'together'. Secondly, I'm not really a fan of how Korra's energybending qualms are resolved.

How does Mako know of Aang's history with energybending? Did Korra tell him? Did he overhear or learn it directly from someone, or some other kind of source? I ask because it's strange that he should come out with that kind of response out of seemingly nowhere. I don't believe - correct me if I'm wrong - that his being privy to such information is mentioned at any point in the story. Realistically in the world of LoK, Aang's history is likely public knowledge, but the point I'm trying to make is I don't think one should assume the reader assumes that.

With that said, I personally wouldn't have had Mako be the one to answer Korra; he has zero experience on the matter. And what was also strange is that Korra doesn't question him at all. Surely she would have something to say about his response? Yet she appears to accept it, as no mention is made of it again. We don't even get to see a non-verbal reaction from her to Mako's answer. It would seem more natural, personally, for Korra to have questioned Tenzin about her inability to energybend. And that leads me back to my first point: the story feels like it's ending prematurely.

At the end of the day, regardless of how I feel, you are the author. I will say that I've enjoyed the majority of this story, but Chapters 8 & 9 had me thinking 'Hmm...'. I think the story could be much more were it continued, but that isn't my choice to make.
avatarakorra chapter 9 . 4/9/2013
Don't stop this story
cherrystone.eli chapter 8 . 4/2/2013
great story! I like how team avatar was involved . although I wished I seem more of asami and bolin moments :) but either way it was wonderful
Avatar Sangmu chapter 8 . 3/25/2013
LOVE the ending line. It's brilliant.

It wrapped it up very nicely.

I love their little talk, it was a very sweet moment.
Avatar Sangmu chapter 7 . 3/25/2013
Aw, nice!

I love the ending quote.

Like how he slapped her to wake her up, very funny.
Avatar Sangmu chapter 6 . 3/25/2013
Amazing chapter ending.

I love how you describe Korra, it's amazing.

Nice Bolin line there, very 'in character' and funny.
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